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Fighting in SWG.....

D@rth M@ul

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Okay, I'm sure most of you own a copy of Jk2 or have seen

it. Well I really love fps's and such and never go into the whole

EQ era of gaming. But since the genere went to the star wars universe

and from what I've seen the graphics look nice and the game aspects

are almost endless I think they have me sold.


There is just one thing I'm not too sure about.......the FIGHTING.

In Jk2 its very intense and fun and all that good stuff.


Where as in SWG, will it be like Diablo, were i just whack at you

in a single animation, or were we take "turns" hitting each other.

Although this may seem like a mediocre problem, to me it will

make the game. But thats just me.


Anyway, Whats the fighting in Eq like?

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Hmm.. when will people notice that it's called "star wars galaxies", not "jedi knight 2: outcast, the mmorpg version"? ;)


Seriously, though, all people who starts playing SWG and expect FPS action, like JK2, will be dissapointed. In just the same way that people who think they just bought Civilization 3 will be dissapointed if they end up finding a Quake 3 disc in the box.


I spell it out:


It. Is. A. Totally. Different. Genre.


If this means less fun for some FPS fans out there, tough luck. The game is not made for them, they have plenty of star wars games already (for example, said Jedi Knight 2). It is made for roleplayers. *gasp!* Yes! The RPG in MMORPG means Role Playing Game, not Twitchy Lightsabre Action! Who could guess!?


If I sound a little bit irritated, it's because that's perhaps the twentieth time I answer that question, and it's been asked by jk2 players every time. Don't take it personally if you are a jk2 player yourself. But I am not amazed by their average intellect this far.


And, on the question how fighting is in EQ, well, you choose a target, hit the "attack mode" key, and then look at your character fighting said target. Love it or leave it.

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D@rth M@aul, I've never played EQ or Diablo so I can't really comment on their systems. In JK2, the fighting system is a free roaming system(as I like to describe it)where you are not limited in terms of movement. I can't comment on SWG's system because there has been no real demonstration of it.


I hope that they will release a video clip or trailer that shows a combat sequence both blaster, and lightsabers, just to give us an idea of what to expect You can be sure, as Setsuko stated, that it will not be like a FPS interface. The only other fighting examples out there right now, besides JK2, is the X-BOX RPG, Knights of The Old Republic which is said(according to reviewers at E3)to have the best combat system of any Star Wars game that they played at the E3 conference, including SWG. Again, that is sort of comparing apples and oranges, since MMORPG's are more about interaction than fighting.


I have a feeling that we will not be disappointed by SWG in any way(crosses fingers and toes).:D

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Originally posted by setsuko

Hmm.. when will people notice that it's called "star wars galaxies", not "jedi knight 2: outcast, the mmorpg version"? ;)


Seriously, though, all people who starts playing SWG and expect FPS action, like JK2, will be dissapointed. In just the same way that people who think they just bought Civilization 3 will be dissapointed if they end up finding a Quake 3 disc in the box.


I spell it out:


It. Is. A. Totally. Different. Genre.


If this means less fun for some FPS fans out there, tough luck. The game is not made for them, they have plenty of star wars games already (for example, said Jedi Knight 2). It is made for roleplayers. *gasp!* Yes! The RPG in MMORPG means Role Playing Game, not Twitchy Lightsabre Action! Who could guess!?


If I sound a little bit irritated, it's because that's perhaps the twentieth time I answer that question, and it's been asked by jk2 players every time. Don't take it personally if you are a jk2 player yourself. But I am not amazed by their average intellect this far.


And, on the question how fighting is in EQ, well, you choose a target, hit the "attack mode" key, and then look at your character fighting said target. Love it or leave it.


WoW, vent that anger friend. Well acctually I wouldn't like to be

responsible for the IQ of the modern JK2 player.


I knew the fighting was not going to be like jk2 but I kind of wished

for it to be. Since this game is not based around fighting, maybe

its okay to have an auto attack, it just seems alot less fun to

auto attack rather than make your own moves.

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