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How to counter say..... the Federation with the Naboo?

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Naboo don't get Hvy Mech Destroyers which is annoying when fighting, TF, Empire or Gungans. Make sure you get every war centre upgrade as Naboo. Get a mixture of mech destroyers, Hvy Strike Mechs and then about 20 - 30 Grenade troopers. Grenade troopers get war centre upgrade just like repeater troopers. Only Grenade troopers get more important upgrades :)


first go in with your mechs and have the long ranged Grenade troopers behind target Hvy Mech destroyers, Droideka and Hvy Strikers in that order.


You might want to mix in some fighters, bombers or Royal Crusaders if you have any. But don't ever go into a mech fight with only Mech Destoyers, use strike mechs and most importantly grenade troopers to help you out.


You will be suprised at how strong grenade troopers are. Hope this helps you all out.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Well, yeah, but now, suppose they've got AA.

It really depends on their tech skills. If they've got guided missiles already then air is a little harder to use against them. Though if you've got Air Cruisers you can take out the AA (and everything else) with a couple well placed blasts.) Naboo air does have armour, shields, and a speed boost at max upgrade though, so they are still a viable option in any case, especially since they heavily outclass TF air.


Of course, it's always handy to hook them up with other units. I'd probably have a couple air transports with jedi masters in them. Then I'd use my air to take out the bounties. After that I'd drop the masters, convert destroyers, and take it from there...



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Most people who are TF against Naboo would have AA mobiles with retrofit making air preety useless. Especially if the units where under a shild generator with a fortress.


A good counter to Droidekas is Jedi knights. Knights and masters can convert DD's. But my previous post is probally an easier and more viable way of killing that sort of an army.

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Originally posted by AU_Andy_Ewok

Most people who are TF against Naboo would have AA mobiles with retrofit making air preety useless. Especially if the units where under a shild generator with a fortress.


A good counter to Droidekas is Jedi knights. Knights and masters can convert DD's. But my previous post is probally an easier and more viable way of killing that sort of an army.


Unless the Fortress w/ shield generator is sitting right next to my base, I wouldn't worry about it that much. As for the retrofit... well it certainly helps with the damage and the range, but unless they've seeker missiles then they can still be dodged quite handly. Jedi can be a go counter (especially if you convert and you have some means of either healing the jedi quickly or pulling them out of the firefight). Problem is that bounties will wipe them out, which is even more problematic in your scenario where you have a fortress handy to generate more.



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I don't think that they need hvy Mech Destroyers. Naboo are definatly a hard civ to play compared to some others with the lack of hvy mech destroyers. I think that the civs are well ballanced and this doesn't need to be changed :)


Kryllith makes a good point about using jedi. Healing them is very important you need to get Medics for them.

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if you are Naboo, you have to balance your units well. against TF or other mech civs, a mix of mounties, air (including cruisers) and heavy assault mechs is a good start. cannons work well too.


i especially go heavy on mounties against mech civs. you will lose all of them quickly, but if you can take out mech destroyers well this way. the air cruisers hidden behind a fortress can really hammer the HP weak TF mechs. a few Jedi can convert the heavy assaults as well, but this will only work until bounties show up. air in the back can kill any units that stray too close.


what you don't want to do is try to out-mech GE, TF, Gungans or Confeds with Naboo. you will lose that battle. the best bet is to try to hold off an attack while you send air and strike mechs into their base to kill their econ.

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Or put up shield wall and anti airturrents those mounted guns and get a massive air force as the trade federation arent that good at air you can wipe them out.your best bet is to wait for them to come to you.you could also build up fortresses all over the land so when the tf is coming to attack most of them will be pushed back.

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