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Coleman Trebor needing assistance

PIo Koon

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hey everyone


as most of u all know, i made Coleman Trebor, the Jedi Vurk from some amphibious plant that was shot in the geonosis arena and fel to his death =OP


right now he has no skin and only one of the models has been mapped


but before it gets a skin i want to test it in game to make sure that the model pieces are working fine


after all...if i didn't do this and some serious issue came with the model...that would call for a total remapping..and a waste of everyones time




i need someone to get my model in game so i can test him out and make sure everything is fine


if anyone is willing to do this and have already got other models in game i would REALLY appreciate it...and u would have full right to play with him to =O)


but i am NOT saying distribute this model...i don't wanna be picky but i want a respectable person in the forums to do this because im very proud of this model, and would be very upset if someone went behind my back and gave it to people



anyway if i make it to long no one will read it...i hope someone can help me Boba Bradfu and musashi out by doing this...thankx

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Madjal...i guess u haven't seen my model *feels insulted*


lol j/k its fine


ok what i mean is..my model comes in 3 versions






Robed & Hooded


right now it is modeled and ready to get in game


only combat is though..Robed and Robed & Hooded still needs to do something but the rest is done


so r u willing to do it?...i mean i don't want it to be an inconviencence for anyone but i really need someone to do this



so anyway point is...u would be doing it 4 times...getting the combat one in just to make sure stuff is fine....then once its mapped get it in game then we wait on bradfu to skin it


then get the other one mapped and skinned then in game

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LOL@Madjai...lmao good call ;)..i saw it before but wasn't bored enough to metnion it heh


so madjai were u interested in getting the model in game? Boba is just doing one model so we test stuff out, not the official one

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bah..i told u boba


if anyone is interested in helping us we would REALLY REALLY appreciate it...if we can't find someone this model is going to the trash can.....


so PLZ if u don't mind doing this we would appreciate it...and of course u would be put in the readme

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nooo boba...argh


Sithlord-II said he would do it lol


o well...i haven't seen Al being an ******* so i guess hes trustworthy =OP...and besides...i guess it wouldn't hurt have 2 people's viwe on stuff...so i guess its ok

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