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yo y'alls


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yo y'alls...

i'm a li'l new to all the mmorpg thingy, but i figured, it'd be a great typed game 2 establish a stronger, more unified team of players...i was playin some of the other online games i've got, like Diablo & Dungeon Siege & u see all these kinds o ppl that rely on groups to survive, and u can't always have that in those games...like melee dudes will go & tank & need mage support & **** like that.

so i was figurin, w/a bigass mmorpg, there would always be sum1 2 back u up, so why not create a sort of community that all stems from the same town (@ least until we get real big) 2 keep that all goin...so i started talkin 2 my friend & he suggested i create a player association.

he's makin us a website now, http://www.xenotrout.com/xt/arco & we're thinkin we'll be named Arcosante...i'd really enjoy any replies 4 ppls who want 2 join or jus any advice y'alls have got.

thnx y'alls 8^P

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Hey yourgod, I just saw your website and I thought that what you are planning to do is quite interesting. I love you belief that motivates you all to survive in the community and I was wondering if this was a PA and are you going to try to build a city and govern a town under those few rules? if so I might think about joining.


Oh and if you want to email me im at http://www.your_name_is_so@yahoo.com, I hope you reply

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yo pantherine...

we plan only to build a city jus like you're supposed to be able to do, and rule and govern ourselve only based upon what the website says - once we have a formidable amount of members, we will probably establish a sort of voting system or whatnot - but until the game comes out, we have no real ideas on what to base any rules or laws upon, so until then our community will be based on rules (mainly about joining) that me and the co-founder will create & will build off of our initial frame of ideas.

if you would like to join, please do the following:

1. Go to http://www.xenotrout.com/xt/arco and click on "Application for Citizenship" and fill out the form, and...

2. Reply to this e-mail and/or talk to me or the other co-founder via AIM (aol instant messenger) - I am "MadHatter536" and he is "XenoTrout"

thank you

- Your God

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thanks yo...

your more than welcome to apply for membership ( http://www.xenotrout.com/xt/arco )...as long as it seems that you'll be able to help us as a whole, you'll probly be in ( & if we think ur trustworthy & whatnot)....we don't want 2 make it seem too easy, but come & talk with us...my e-mail is joshtay@pacbell.net & my AIM screen name is MadHatter536, the co-founder can be reached at i@xenotrout.com and Xenotrout, respectively...we hope to hear from you again.

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