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The dual saber cometh


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The reason for that is that hundreds of people are submitting files and news to the site by the HOUR. which is why Chris3CPO made the post to hire some more help to keep up with the massive amount of submitted material. And luckily I was chosen, and have been in constant contact with Visac about getting myself and 2 other File masters setup for the big job that lies ahead of us... But you can definitely count on the new guys and the rest of our new found team to make sure to get the JediMod and ALL the other mods up as soon as humanly possible, because you do have to consider that my JO server is 3mb download, 1.5 mb upload (when its up, apparently someone shut off my pc and I am out of town, but when I get back I will make sure to get the pc up, and also get started with the files..) I will be back in town later today (Saturday) (got delayed getting back do to some unforseen outcomes (fatigue)... but you can count on me that I will get the server and the files up, and that JediMod will be on Jk2.net by this time next week at the LATEST... For temporary storage, I have set up the JediMod along with the newly released Qui-gon Jin and Count Dooku saber hilts on my personal website that is also the home of Projcet: Duality, which you can find @ http://www.geocities.com/dmccarthy100 I know it doesnt look all that great, but for only spending 5 minutes on, its not too shabby.... Well, later peeps..



**EDIT** GO me.. go go go me... Hey everyone, JediKnightii.net now has a copy of JediMod v1.0 for your downloading pleasure, compliments of yours truly...:)

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