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Did this guy hack me and if so how can I prevent this again?


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This is part of my log, if you need the whole thing just let me know, but it's a little long. Particular attention to the last part.


cmd 93: bcs0 1 "\pmove_msec\8\pmove_fixed\0\sv_referencedPakNames\Duel_SE/Duel_SE base/assets2 base/assets0 \sv_referencedPaks\-486027631 727443254 -958133928 \sv_pakNames\Duel_SE [OE]_Blacklight_saber xander VADER_MP_MODEL vaderschamber tgk_twim1 TempleArena sp_jedi_master sp_floatingsith sl_darken SamSaberSounds remnant_experiment QuiGonVM2 padtemple padstation padreactor padhangar padhall Obi NintendoPack Matrix_Dojo Mara mapextras Luminara v2 lordrive lordkatarn lordcyris ladder jedi_council_SE jedibattle irg_powergenerator irglandingplatform irgcoruscantfinal imp_smelt_facility_b imp_smelt_facility_a imperial_base imperialbase_demo hothjediacademy HooD_SD hideout_escape hideout glm_aayla glm-yuuzhanvongketo2 fun in the sun bikini pack Executor2 exarkun_sithii Emp_Throne_Room duel_livid duel_lastdefense duel_kamino duel_forbid-eden duel_bespin_platform Duel at geonosis hanger crusher assets2 assets1 assets0 aof akira\sv_paks\-486027631 11293"


cmd 94: bcs2 1 "11832 -1879855486 1225961299 1513375716 -1245681238 184676382 2125890081 1319875333 -1142298523 1327823260 499594052 -852060187 947861883 -1726666420 141834357 1047967071 -2018941090 8340577 1715217439 853818444 -369285864 -364623714 -1570191030 1228401024 -741808880 1702348872 176077889 -55288844 -1166803415 1460040450 1277605839 -617196118 2084577625 -1287521867 162962603 -1266915937 -1778958685 616199301 -1597368003 -2020671698 -1941675857 969137274 1118187395 -684340038 -690181677 226920300 -1638214122 -475166197 899255853 491903528 1260520857 809064404 801548918 727443254 -995453467 -958133928 -692198140 -1973162099 \sv_serverid\63790364\timescale\1\g_synchronousclients\0\sv_pure\1\fs_game\Duel_SE\sv_cheats\0"


cmd 95: scores 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 96: cs 6 "1"


cmd 97: scores 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 98: cp "RacNac^7 @@@JOINEDTHESPECTATORS


cmd 99: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\3\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\2\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 100: nfr 7 0 3

cmd 101: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\2\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 102: nfr 7 0 0

cmd 103: scores 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 104: cs 6 "2"


cmd 105: print "SP-597^7 @@@HIT_THE_KILL_LIMIT.


cmd 106: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 107: cp "RacNac^7 @@@JOINEDTHESPECTATORS


cmd 108: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\3\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\2\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 109: nfr 7 0 3

cmd 110: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\2\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 111: nfr 7 0 0

cmd 112: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 113: cs 545 "n\SP-597\t\0\model\Stormpilot\c1\0\c2\5\hc\100\w\4\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 114: cs 29 "1"


cmd 115: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 116: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 117: cp "RacNac^7 @@@JOINEDTHESPECTATORS


cmd 118: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\3\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 119: nfr 7 0 3

cmd 120: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 121: nfr 7 0 0

cmd 122: cs 29 "-1"


cmd 123: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 124: cs 21 "52277350"


cmd 125: cs 30 "-1|-1"


cmd 126: cs 6 "0"


cmd 127: cs 7 "-9999"


cmd 128: map_restart


cmd 129: cs 7 "0"


cmd 130: nfr 7 0 0

cmd 131: cs 30 "1|2"


cmd 132: bcs0 1 "\pmove_msec\8\pmove_fixed\0\sv_referencedPakNames\Duel_SE/Duel_SE base/assets2 base/assets0 \sv_referencedPaks\-486027631 727443254 -958133928 \sv_pakNames\Duel_SE [OE]_Blacklight_saber xander VADER_MP_MODEL vaderschamber tgk_twim1 TempleArena sp_jedi_master sp_floatingsith sl_darken SamSaberSounds remnant_experiment QuiGonVM2 padtemple padstation padreactor padhangar padhall Obi NintendoPack Matrix_Dojo Mara mapextras Luminara v2 lordrive lordkatarn lordcyris ladder jedi_council_SE jedibattle irg_powergenerator irglandingplatform irgcoruscantfinal imp_smelt_facility_b imp_smelt_facility_a imperial_base imperialbase_demo hothjediacademy HooD_SD hideout_escape hideout glm_aayla glm-yuuzhanvongketo2 fun in the sun bikini pack Executor2 exarkun_sithii Emp_Throne_Room duel_livid duel_lastdefense duel_kamino duel_forbid-eden duel_bespin_platform Duel at geonosis hanger crusher assets2 assets1 assets0 aof akira\sv_paks\-486027631 11293"


cmd 133: bcs2 1 "11832 -1879855486 1225961299 1513375716 -1245681238 184676382 2125890081 1319875333 -1142298523 1327823260 499594052 -852060187 947861883 -1726666420 141834357 1047967071 -2018941090 8340577 1715217439 853818444 -369285864 -364623714 -1570191030 1228401024 -741808880 1702348872 176077889 -55288844 -1166803415 1460040450 1277605839 -617196118 2084577625 -1287521867 162962603 -1266915937 -1778958685 616199301 -1597368003 -2020671698 -1941675857 969137274 1118187395 -684340038 -690181677 226920300 -1638214122 -475166197 899255853 491903528 1260520857 809064404 801548918 727443254 -995453467 -958133928 -692198140 -1973162099 \sv_serverid\63873313\timescale\1\g_synchronousclients\0\sv_pure\1\fs_game\Duel_SE\sv_cheats\0"


cmd 134: scores 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 135: cs 6 "1"


cmd 136: scores 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 137: cp "RacNac^7 @@@JOINEDTHESPECTATORS


cmd 138: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\3\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 139: nfr 7 0 3

cmd 140: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 141: nfr 7 0 0

cmd 142: scores 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 143: cs 6 "2"


cmd 144: print "SP-597^7 @@@HIT_THE_KILL_LIMIT.


cmd 145: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 146: cp "RacNac^7 @@@JOINEDTHESPECTATORS


cmd 147: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\3\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 148: nfr 7 0 3

cmd 149: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\3\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 150: nfr 7 0 0

cmd 151: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 152: cs 545 "n\SP-597\t\0\model\Stormpilot\c1\0\c2\5\hc\100\w\5\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 153: cs 29 "1"


cmd 154: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\0\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\4\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 155: scores 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cmd 156: cp "RacNac^7 @@@JOINEDTHESPECTATORS


cmd 157: cs 546 "n\RacNac\t\3\model\luke/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\4\tt\0\tl\0"


cmd 158: cs 6 "2"


cmd 159: nfr 7 0 3

broadcast: print "RacNac^7 Server command overflow\n"

ClientDisconnect: 2

ClientBegin: 2




Did I get hacked(cracked)?


I appreciate any help with this, as it crashed my server.:mad:



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I get that a lot.. or atleast something very very similar.. it happens almost everyday.. i dont believe its a hack i think its a server glitch or something but ive asked the same question and basicly got that its just a server prob..


i run a linux server.


if anyone has any info on this id also like some help on this matter

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Just FYI, this is a recurring problem with Q3 based games. Basically, what happens is a player gets disconnected from the server and the server doesn't realize it right away. The data being sent from the server accumulates and when the player finally gets dropped, you see all the backlogged commands flood the server console with "cmd" at the front of them. It's not a big deal and happens every so often.

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I get that too. Howerver, I only get it from ONE PLAYER. Ive been meaning to post about it forever also. The ONE PLAYER is a script kitty who has been kicked from the server alot so I was sure it was an attempted or succesfull hack. I guess if you guys say its no hack, then I was wrong. -my bad :rolleyes:


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Thank you guys sooo much for answering me!:cool:


"heh this is my mod i see there "Duel_SE".

i did not hack u ! hehe"


Yes it sure is! I like it a lot, even though some of my clients don't.:p But most players either like it or don't even know it's there. The only ones who don't like it are the move spammers and that's fine with me because I don't want them on my server anyway. I sent you an email BTW, hope you got it(just a simple question).


Anyways I appreciate all your replies very much, they seem hard to come by on these boards.

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2 questions:


1) Are you running a firewall and what brand if yes?


2) Are you running your server on Windows and if so do you have all of the service packs and the latest critical security updates installed?


Hackers and hacking programs usually zero in on known security bugs. I seriously doubt that you were hacked because I haven't heard of any security hole in JK2 and if there was a known issue Raven would have to patch it right away. But if there was a bug that just caused the program to crash sometimes they don't have enough of a fire under there ass to fix it.


A few tips if your running a Windows server - dsable any ports or services that you are not using. For example, If you are not offering and web or FTP services then stop the web and the FTP services. Go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com to get all of the security updates if you don't have them.


BTW, I also run the DUEL_SE mod on my server and I like it very much.

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Aside from the router, I have a Notron internet security firewall (which i do update often).


and yes I use microshaft windows. I have been totaly lazy with updating too. And your right, ther were a substantial nuber of security updates available.


I had a friend who has access to certain "tools" and he attempted to access my machine yet was unable. "Locked up tighter than a drum" was his words.


Again, and as usual, I think MatrixCPA is right. The ONE PLAYER i was refering to uses advanced key binds to rotate through modes and saber colors and he does it alot and very fast. I'd bet thats what is causing the com overflow.



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