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Config files?


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Hi guys a couple questions regarding the config files, I have the server.cfg and rcon.cfg and autoexec.cfg


I am pretty sure I have screwed one of these up, my server is still running but will crash on map change sometimes.


Questions: Is there a way I can have my rcon info saved locally on my pc so I dont have to enter rconaddress and rconpassword everytime I want to change a map or something?


I have reduced my rcon.cfg file to the following



rconpassword "password"


rcon.cfg is on server and in my local base dir


even if it is executed at start, seems it wont save my info, I still have to type it in.

rcon info is also in my server.cfg file aswell


Next Question: I have 13 new ctf maps, some of which are buggy, all have worked and have been played, but randomly

the server will crash on map change with the following errors:


ERROR: SpawnEntities: no entities


^1Error: BotLibShutdown: bot library used before being setup


can I disable bots in my server.cfg?


my server.cfg file here: http://joezcool2.no-ip.com/server.txt

my autoexec.cfg here: http://joezcool2.no-ip.com/autoexec.txt


rcon config is the 2 lines listed above, thanx for any info


let me know if my cfg files are wrong

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I believe they are on both the server and my pc, in the base dir


ERROR: SpawnEntities: no entities


^1Error: BotLibShutdown: bot library used before being setup


ever seen those errors? do you have any idea what would cause them?


my server has been crashing every 3 maps today, I just shut it down. :(

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is there a command to permanently disable bots, they are worthless on new maps anyway, no new map I have seen yet fot CTF has had bot support. the only reason I would like just 1 bot on at all times would be to add 1 user on my server for those that have view empty servers turned off

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If I remember correctly, bots do not show up in the server list as players. Thus, a server with just 1 bot and no human players still shows up as empty. I haven't personally tested this with JK2 (since I don't use bots) but it was the case with other Q3 based games that I've administered. I believe you can disable bots using:


seta bot_enable "0"

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K thanks, although I have joined many rooms that says 4 players (after refresh list) and they were all bots, who want to play against bots only? I am outta there


As far as I know, all players listed with a ping rate of 0 are bots.

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