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Desperate problem with misc_models


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Apologies for sticking this in a new thread, but it's pretty vital to the continuation of my SP project that this gets sorted out, and here's the only place that I'll get help on it.....


Every single entity that I use works fine and appears in both JK2Radiant and JK2 itself, with the exception of the misc_model, which appears with no problem whatsoever in Radiant but fails to appear in the game. I've tried changing a great many things, and positioned the models in various different places, not to mention trying models from a wide variety of folders, and I am now officially stuck. I am therefore begging anyone with any idea whatsoever as to why this is happening to post a reply.... the only hint I can give is that I'm pretty sure it started to happen after I installed the second toolkit, but that could just be random coincidence.


As a final plea: Help!

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first off you need to tell people what model it is... so they can tell you if its buggy.... i dont think the tools will have anyuthing to do with it..but just in case...uninstall them and then try.... there are known probs with the ravenclaw model which volrathxp has fixed and released the model at jedioutcastmaps.com......

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try using GTKRadiant


jk2Raidant did some wierd stuff to me (so has GTK but not quite as devastatingly wierd) like duplicating brushes and removing models etc


its heaps better anyway, because every now and then everyone needs an undo that works



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People only complain about GTK because they just aren't competant enough to set it up. I mean it's REALLY easy, don't know why so many people have trouble.


Yes, try GTK. JK2Rad likes to deleted your level randomly (notice there are TWO versions of artus topside in the LEC screenshot archive? hehehe :p) , not clone brushes, crash, **** up your whole level upon a single undo, and utterly disfigure your patches and brushes upon trying to vertex drag.

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Originally posted by Emon

People only complain about GTK because they just aren't competant enough to set it up.

People only complain about JK2 because they aren't competant enough to use it correctly. :p


JK2Rad likes to deleted your level randomly...

Never had that problem...


...not clone brushes...

Clone with space bar, or even use Edit->Copy Brush - works just fine with brushes and entities alike.



Only had JK2Radiant crash one time, and that was when I tried to drag a random edge when I had about 30 brushes selected. Never had a crash besides that one...


...maps **** up your whole level upon a single undo...

You hafta use Undo? Sad. :p


...and utterly disfigure your patches and brushes upon trying to vertex drag.

Vertex dragging on patches works perfectly fine... and why would vertex drag a brush anyway? Clipping is much more accurate to get you exactly what you want.


Just saying. ;)



EDIT: Ohhh, and so this thread doesn't get hijacked by another JK2vsGTK argument:


Is there another way to import to make them solid?

Nope. :) Not the model itself anyway. You need to lay down brushes in the shape that you want the player to be blocked off and texture them with system/physics_clip :)

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