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You could make it so a member of each team would be able to square off, one on one, while the other members of the team watched as spectators.


When the match was over, the next person in line from that team steps up, while the next teammate in the victor's queue waited until he died, then it would be his turn to fight... etc.


I guess a heavily dictated Team FFA match could also do the same thing, but you know how some people get a little twitchy when there's a lightsaber in their hands. Some people just have no restraint or patience...



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I guess a heavily dictated Team FFA match could also do the same thing, but you know how some people get a little twitchy when there's a lightsaber in their hands. Some people just have no restraint or patience...


Or if an idiot joins the server. :rolleyes:


Interesting idea, possibly for a mod if anyone out there is hearing this. I just have one thing to add: many people would want it so they can duel multiple jedi in a cinematic sense (i.e. player using a Darth Maul Skin versus a young Obi-Wan and one Quigon-Jinn). Perhaps that would be a smart idea as an addition to the challenging player? :)


Merc out. :fett:

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Well, the only thing Raven needs to do for that suggestion is eliminate the cap on the g_maxGameClients switch to allow more than two man duels. So far, it's only capped at two in Duels, but in games like CTF/FFA, you can change the values of this variable and allow only a certain number of ppl to play, and the rest are forced to spectate.


So I guess the feature I'm asking for is more like a NF Team FFA (but in dueling maps) w/ a g_maxGameClients of 2 where the spectators are automatically put into the ring when it's their turn. This could be handled by the gamers in the room, technically, but it seems like it would be a pain in the ass remembering whose turn it is, who's gone already, etc.



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Good idea, I also think more than one duel should be able occur at a time, so more than 2 people can duel at a time.


Like 2 people are in one area of the map dueling another in a nother part of the map dueling simultaniously. Alot of people get really unpatient waiting for 2 people to finish their duel to duel someone else, just an idea. :)

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