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SP - Why JK2 rocked

Lord Sokar

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After getting burned out on MP, I decided to play with SP and set up a battle royale on Bespin. In the console, I spawned 5 Reborns (with one boss), Luke, the female Jedi, Tavion and Desann and had at it. Then, for extra fun, enable cheats and type 'setforceall 5'.


I had totally forgotten after 4 months just how smooth and sweet the SP saber battles were. The animations are increadible as well as the sounds that you never get to hear in MP. Having Reborns yell 'Jedi!' at you or hearing that crack/sizzle sound of their sabers when the light up is great and sets them apart from your sounds.


Just a thought, how come MP never touched all the cool moves and sounds of SP? How come we could never do the rolls, twists and cartwheels seen in SP? I know they tried to match SP a little more with 1.03 but they failed miserably. Even the clash sounds of the sabers is better with much more variety.


So, is anyone out there working on a 1.03 mod that will make the game feel more like the SP version? I would be interested in seeing that, else this game has played out.

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Originally posted by 00M-187

How do you spawn Reborn's and Luke's? your talking in an Mplayer game right?



No, I think he is referring to single player, but using multiplayer maps. Bring down the console menu (shift +` tilde) and type map [name of a multiplayer map] which in this case was ffa_bespin. You can then type "npc spawn [name of npc]" (cheats must be enabled). I agree with you man, I have been having some fun experimenting with npc spawns on multiplayer maps and it's a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it's kind of tough to find that experience on multiplayer. :(

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^ You are correct sir! And this is how you spawn multiples at one time:


npc spawn reborn; npc spawn rebornacrobat; npcspawn rebornfencer; npc spawn rebornboss; npc spawn luke; npc spawn jedif; npc spawn tavion; npc spawn desann


Give it a shot and prepare for all hell to break loose. This is so very cool.

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Sounds cool, I have never done multiple npc spawns before. Although, another cool thing is bind spawns to a key, makes for non-stop action!


A few days ago, I was having some fun spawning countless waves of stormtroopers, jedis, reborns, and rebels and just havin' loads of fun (on the bespin map as luck would have it :) ) However, I spawned just a few too many at just around 300 :p and my game crashed.


So I guess I would advise against doing THAT many, doing npc spawns in SP and using the occasional MP map is a good way to salvage some single player fun post-completion of the story line. Plus the npc's don't complain when they die :D .

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there are some things better in sp, such as the things you mentioned, but i really like mp. its a more even playing feild, in sp the ai have lots of atvantages. the most annoying thing in sp though, is that you slide around alot, like when you stop running or walking, or jump, or crouching, kyle slides a bit. i definitely think mp feels more controled and solid. i also like the way you fight better is MP. you can do more moves and good stuff

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Sokar from Nuclear Fallout? Eh well if that is you, the reason you believe and have realized this game is played out is because you dislike force, which is a whole nother element to this game, I only use to goto fallout and hated force, but now I enjoy both and it adds variety to the game, sure this game will be played out in another month, but for now its smooth sailing and good times, maybe you should heid my advice and "learn the ways of the force...oh btw its DA =D

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Originally posted by JEDI_Nova

True the SP combat has the edge over MP but lets face it the entire SP game sucked. The only thing JO has going for it is is MP


well There are A lot of ppl, that sp actually owned. Why? b/c of his storyline that actually owned, and his gameplay

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Multiplayer? Owning? I never thought I'd hear those two words together...


Seriously multiplayer is a joke. I was just playing today on the Bespin map (2nd time I've ever played) and up on the airspeeder pad there were 4 reds and 1 blue. The blue guy killed 2 reds just doing that backstab move over and over. I got wasted by the 'push' move, Force Absorb be damned.


And then there was one guy who was locked in combat with another red. I flew over him and fired 3 rockets. As soon as I squeezed the trigger he used 'push' and there was NO WAY he could've known. Client-Side Push script?


Multiplayer is the biggest waste of time. We need good single-player levels but everyone makes MP because they're so much easier.

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Originally posted by Uranium - 235

Multiplayer? Owning? I never thought I'd hear those two words together...


Seriously multiplayer is a joke. I was just playing today on the Bespin map (2nd time I've ever played) and up on the airspeeder pad there were 4 reds and 1 blue. The blue guy killed 2 reds just doing that backstab move over and over. I got wasted by the 'push' move, Force Absorb be damned.


And then there was one guy who was locked in combat with another red. I flew over him and fired 3 rockets. As soon as I squeezed the trigger he used 'push' and there was NO WAY he could've known. Client-Side Push script?


Multiplayer is the biggest waste of time. We need good single-player levels but everyone makes MP because they're so much easier.



if you dont like ppl owning in multiplayer dont play it!! but also dont whine pls. Cuz just b/c they are better than you it doesnt mean they are cheap. They beat u.. a kill is a kill.. so dont whine. Plus it looks like a lot of ppl enjoy more mp than sp.. they both rock! btw

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really though, just because you can't get around one move doesn't mean MP is horrible. i love mp, and bs isn't a problem for me anymore. it used to be but not anymore. know i LOVE mp, i like it more then sp even. i like how i move in mp better.

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