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this tutorial sucks i need a better one

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im not sure what the problem is, that tutorial is quite specific. just tell us what problems you are having, is it the making the mesh of the lightsaber? the importing kyles lightsaber? the uvwmapping a lightsaber? the tags? the exporting the lightsaber? the compiling the lightsaber using md3view? the packing into a .pk3?

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Easy there, That tutorial gets your started with the BASICS. You'll probably want to do some other background reading. After your not gonna get everything handed to you. I know for a fact FBF won't help you... So what is it exactly that your stumped on? The UVW mapping? which i am sure it is, becasue that is the hardest part, and that part which incorpartes outside thinking.


If you have a specific problem mention it please.

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Looks like you want basic modeling tuts eh?


Just go check the Tuts Sticky thread, that's where I learned almost everything. It's pretty hard to leave a post to explain how to model a saber hilt, you need to do basic modelling tuts. Then you go from there.

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1. to make a tag just make a Plane thats 2x1 in size and apply an edit mesh modifier and delete one of the faces.

2. the attach button is located within the edit mesh modifier, but should have nothing to do with making a tag.

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Originally posted by Madjai

im not sure what the problem is, that tutorial is quite specific. just tell us what problems you are having, is it the making the mesh of the lightsaber? the importing kyles lightsaber? the uvwmapping a lightsaber? the tags? the exporting the lightsaber? the compiling the lightsaber using md3view? the packing into a .pk3?


i'm having problems figuring out a bunch of stuff. i got a tag down, now how do i shrink the saber to fit the saber_w.md3 model?? and im stuck finding out how many poligons and verticies my saber is

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