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Squal model with Gunblade


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Hi there, i was wondering if anyone is creating or wants to create a Squall model, and with his GunBlade :)


(damn, that gunblade makes me drool :D)


and if there is already one for download than pleaseeeeeee let me have the link :p


tnx in advance :)

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It sounds like a cool idea. I must admit that the FF7 characters appeal to me more though. Imagine a decent Cloud or Sephiroth model!

As for the gunblade, I think it would not be useful as your character would be using a lightsaber instead.

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Originally posted by morphius_doh

I didn't get anywhere with that URL. Could you double check it to make sure it's correct.


that link is to the Official Request Thread....meaning that he shouldn't off made a new thread and he should repost this in the thread because this is getting deleted soon ;)

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