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Bot CFG file problem.


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When i play with my friends i'm usually the host so i use the JK2 runner server utility, it's great. Now to my problem, i got sick of adding bots from the menu so i created a cfg file to add bots, when i start the server and no one has joined yet i execute the cfg file and it works perfectly, as soon as someone joins and i try adding the bots again they enter the game and immediately go to spectator mode, i kick all the bots and exec the cfg again and still they go to spec mode, so i try adding one at a time from the console and again they go to spec mode(Max Clients is set to 20), but when i add them from the menu they join fine.


ex. line from my cfg:

addbot exarkun_sithii 5 red 25 ^2Damn_You!


I'd appreciate any help.

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I think what happens is jedi runner tries to add the bots into clients 0 and 1 of your server. It was designed to be run at startup. The first person who joins the server becomes client 0 and so on. When yourun the config it tries to put the bots into client 0 but it is full, so it sends them to spectator mode. This is just a guess, but this question is better asked in the dedicated server section.

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