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Swapping Tavion with Maul in SP?


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Im sure this type of question has been asked a million times, but im new to JO editing, so im going to ask it for the millionth and one time.


I have a cool darth maul model and i would like to replace Tavion in single player with the Maul model (replaceing reborns with maul is cool and all, but they are so easy its not that much fun)


Anyone nice enough to explain what needs to be done so i can do this, i figured i could just open Tavions.pk3 and swap out the models, but i dont even see a Tavion.pk3 in my directory, so i imagine shes hidden somewhere..



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this is what you do (I'll do ya one step better).


take the maul.pk3 you have, and extract all the files. then, go into the models/players directory and change the folder name from maul(whatever) to tavion. that will pretty much do it.


if you wait just a little longer, I'll have an add-on to my npc pack that will allow you to spawn Maul regardless.

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Thanks for the help Chrono, heres a little more info on what im talking about, im still not sure...


Ok i go to my GameData\base\models\players directory and all thats in there are 3 folders: _humanoid, kyle, and stormtrooper. So should i make a folder named Tavion extract all her files from her pk3 on the CD put them in that folder, then swap her model and sound files with the maul files and then will it work?

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no. and stop being such a little pest studman, geez.


unzip the maul.pk3 that you downloaded (or make a back up copy and call it maul.pk3). make sure you tell it to unzip folders as well.


go into your assets.pk3 - look for tavion's skin file. see the directory? it will say something like "models/players/tavion" or something. remember the directory, whatever it says.


then go to your maul directory and rename the folder to whatever tavion's folder's name was. rezip up ALL the folders associated with Maul (sounds, etc) into a new PK3. That will replace Tavion in-game.


Otherwise, you can do what the idiot above said to do and go check out the custom NPC post.

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