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Quick loading torture


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For some reason my computer dosn't like to quickload games of JK2. I'll save, die, and press F9 to load the game as usual. I'm sent to the loading screen with the bar moving slowly, but when it reaches 1/4 loaded it freezes abruptly. If I press esc I'm taken to the menu, if I alt+tab I'm taken back to windows98 with an illegal error message. I've tested how long it would take to load if I actually waited but it just froze for keeps. Once I left it for an hour or so and I came back and it was loaded but that dosn't do me any good when trying to play the game. I keep the details pretty low to keep the game playable considering my system specs (350 P2, 256 SDRAM, Voodoo3, and other low end bits and pieces). I either have to start from the beginning of the map or exit the game, re-enter it, and load the game from the load game screen.


Any suggestions? And don't flame me because I need new hardware, I already know that.

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