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Trying to play multiplayer through the Internet..need some assistance


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Hey guys, I know this sounds like an elementary question, but I'm not a very technical person and need some help.


I'm not trying to set up a dedictaed server. I'm simply trying to get my brother to be able to connect to my machine thru my IP address.


I have a firewall installed on my machine, but I drop it and we still can't connect. I have a router set up in addition to my cable modem. I'm giivng my brother what I believe is my IP address, but I've been told that routers will hide your IP address so I am wondering if I have to give him the router's IP address, or am I going to have to plu straight into my cable modem in order to play? I hope not as that means my roommate can't get online then while I am playing.


Any assistance would be appreciated. If you need more inof, please post your questions and I will be more than glad to answer.



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I have a Linksys DSL/Cable router and have had similar problems in the past so I might be able to help you. You could be using the wrong ip... the local area network ip rather than the wide area network ip that your isp gave you. Try running the software that your router came with or looking in the manual to find your wide area network ip. For my router I typed the router ip into my web browser to bring up the setup and thats where i found my LAN and WAN ips. Let me know if any of this helps.

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That's good info. I wasn't aware the router would create LAN IP's, but it makes sense that it does.


The 2nd problem is that my brother and I are guessing where he needs to type in the IP address. He's been going to Add Favorite under the server menus and typing in the IP addresses I gave him, but nothing happens after clicking on 'Done'. Is this because I've given him the wrong IP address or is he typing the IP address in the wrong place?


Thanks again for any help!

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I was having the same problem and found a simple way to remedy it:


This sounds complicated at first but it really is easy.


Launch Multiplayer from the initial Startup screen.


Next click on "Play" and then "Create Game." You will need to start a Dedicated Internet server. To this this look at the bottom of the "Create Game" Menu and select "Dedicated Server." Click until it says "Internet," and then launch the server. You will automatically go back to the desktop and you should see a dos-like window opened on your desktop.


Wait until the script in that window says something like "Sending heartbeat to JKII Raven" (I'm not sure of the exact text). At this point you may want to have the other player see if they can find your server in the "Join Game, Internet" menu on their PC.


Now click on "Quit" and restart JK2 Multiplayer from the initial Startup screen. Once again click "Play,""Create Server." Once the "Create Server" menu opens goto the "Dedicated Server" option and click it until "No" is selected. Now re-launch the server.


Others should now be able to find your server on the net and you can play from your PC. This is the simplest solution that I've found so far. Any questions, e-mail me birdofprey@zoomtown.com

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Originally posted by UnrealJedi

It does sound complicated, but I'll give it a shot.


How'd you stumble on this anyway?


It was luck......


After calling my ADSL provider, my ISP provider, searching FAQs on my router manufacturer's site and the Lucasarts site, I was at wits end. Everyone wanted to blame someone else. Lucas said contact your ADSL provider, my ADSL provider said call Lucas tech support, etc. etc. etc.


I was just screwing around and thought "Hmmmm..... I wonder if my cousin could find my game on the net if it was soley a dedicated server." I started one and he did find it but I couldn't play on my PC. So I restarted the MP game, created a non-dedicated server and it was still there.


I also e-mailed Lucasarts about this problem and they advised me that the game was purposely setup this way. Their unhelpful response is as follows:


If you are playing while hosting a Jedi Outcast game on the internet, your game is not listed on the Internet servers page. This is to limit the type of servers allowed on different server pages, specifically the Internet page which is only supposed to show Dedicated Servers. Any other machine on your

LAN (if present) should see your game listed on the Local page, but any machine connecting from a separate network/dialup will only be able to connect by entering the IP address of the host machine.


Players connecting to a multiplayer game will need to obtain the IP address of the host computer. This may also be necessary when attempting to join a multiplayer game on some local area networks (LAN's).


B.S. if you ask me! Soldier of Fortune was never like this!

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