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Ok, I need help.... can someone plz inform me of some of the things u can type in console... and how to erase your bindings and stuff... cause I tried binding K and now when ever I press K it says Unknown Cmd and I cant duel people which sucks... someone help me as soon as possible... PLZ

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Things you can type into the console.... hmmmm.... a little more specific, please.


However, to erase any bind that you might have botched up, simply type:


bind <key> ""


Or in your case


bind k ""


However, you don't want to erase the bind in this case. To set a new bind for saber duel challenge, simply go into the Controls menu, and under "Other," locate the duel key, then simply bind it back to k. Problem solved. :cool:


After that a console reference would be just pointless, but I *believe* it's bind k "saberDuelChallenge". Don't hold me to that, though. :rolleyes:


Merc out. :fett:

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