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<--- Mapper Needs Modeling Help (desperately)


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My map duel_frogger is almost to beta. One obstacle stands in my way.


First, please check out my thread in the mapping forum ( and my web site wich explains my map and contains pictures of it (http://home.attbi.com/~chester394/wsb/html/view.cgi-home.html-.html)


Here's where you come in. If I was makeing a single player map, I could have the ships rotated any angle I want, or have them actually turn around at the waypoints I set. But because Raven is stupid, and I'm makeing a multiplayer map, I must (or, since I can't, you must) rotate the models in a 3D modeling program to the angles I need, and save them as new models ( .md3 ).


This requires that you have some skill with importing, exporting, and rotateing models. I have none of these skills. My thread is on page 8 now, and people are getting impatient. I really want to get this map to beta, everything is pretty much done except this one problem.


Please contact me if you can help me (even help with 1 or 2 models would be great!) I will give you full credit for the work you do, mentioning your help at the top of the readme for my map. This map is looking very promiseing, it is the only WIP on the first page of the mapping forum with a 5 star rateing and I expect it will be quite popular. This is your chance to make a name for yourself!!!!!! (ok maybe that was heavy handed :)) Please!!!!!!!!! Contact me!!!!!!!!!


AIM: xXHonestAbeXx

MSN: divides_by_zero@hotmail.com

E-mail: divides_by_zero@hotmail.com


Thanks for your time.

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I have no clue what dbz just said hehehe, but i want somebody to do it please

<-------I am the impatient one hehehe


Were gonna have busses and cars flying around the map and it is gonna be great

Cars taking off and landing great sounds and stuff flying overhead while you battle an enemy


This is a great map and it needs someones (fast) ability to do this pls :D

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Yes, the model is exactly the same in all respects only it's rotated to a different angle and saved as a new model. I know it sounds stupid but that's the only way I can do this. If you want to start, we need to test it out first. Take the bespin cloud car model, rotate it 90 degrees, and save it as a new model (diff name so it doesn't overwrite) and mail it to me. Make sure you remember how many degrees you rotated it and in which direction, so then we'll have a standard to compare the other models too. They all face the same direction so it shouldn't be hard to figure out. Afte r we establish our standard, I can send you a list (5 models total I think) that I need rotated and their degrees I need them rotated to. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

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