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Saber Swapping help


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i need help with switching Desann's Lightsaber hilt,i wanna change it to darth maul's,for the episode 1 mod i'm making.

but i cant,becaus ei dunno what to replace....also,how do i set desann at normal height and width,so cheshire's maul will look normal with him?

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ok firstly open up the maul saber .pk3 using winzip or another zipping package and extract it into a new folder (i placed em on the desktop) then go into that new folder go into models/weapons2 and rename the saber folder to saber_desann then zip the directory up make it a pk3 stick it into your base folder and its done


to make desann normal size go into assests0.pk3 (i think) and extract it all to the gamedata/base folder. in there go into ext_data and COPY the npcs.cfg and stick it into a new folder and inside the new folder put in another new folder in there called ext_data and stick the npcs.cfg into it open the npcs.cfg and go down to desann go to scale and make it 100 to be normal size. zip the folder up to be done


hopes this helps

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easiest way to explain what he just said:


1: Extract all of the Maul Hilt files to your C:\ including folders. \

2: Change the saber folder in models/weapons2/saber to say saber_desann.

3: Re-zip all the files (including full path info) into the Pk3 (or a copy of it) and place it in your base directory.


To scale down Desann, extract the npcs.cfg from assets0.pk3 into C:\ (including folders). Edit the line that says "scale" to 100. Then save it as "desann.npc" and zip it into your custom pk3. place that in your base directory and you are good to go.


matter of fact, you could delete every other line except for Desann's in the npcs.cfg before you save it as desann.npc. makes file size smaller.

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