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A Question(s) only a smart person would know

Darth Jello

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ok, i need somebody to explain step by step, can i have a switch activate some fx_runners and trigger_hurts at the same time for like 5 seconds????


and, how do you get a func_train to stay at a path_corner for a certain amount of time?


oh, and i have a shild regenerator thing (the thing that gives you more shields) and i just walk right through it. do i use caulk or does that make it so i can not access it?


well, i hope my first q isnt to hard (lighting flames at some random spots and having them hurt ppl)

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well i havent used a misc model :p


oh, can i just have the flames turn on at random times along with the trigger hurts (now for like 10 seconds)


i need step by step directions, not, "oh you just connect this to this and put key BLAH value NERF"

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Well that would take all the fun out of scripting now wouldn't it? :p


I haven't actually done it myself, so I don't know exactly what you'd need to do... it's up to you to experiment unless some other individual with a lot of free time wants to try it for you. :p

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I may wrong, but I don't think fx_runners are switchable. You may be able to apply a func_timer to a trigger_hurt like rich said though.


You're gonna have to think outside the box on this one. Like maybe, if you have a fire on the floor, make the floor a func_door so that is covers the fire and then lowers when triggered to reveal the fire which will of course hurt you (with a trigger_hurt of course). You'd have to be more creative than that though so it doesn't look stupid.

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No fx_runners are triggerable just like any other entity... remember the SP map with the room-of-death filled with flamejets (where you had to mindtrick the little guy to open the door)? I think it was bespin_undercity...


But yes, it is possible. :) Since you aren't familiar with scripting, I suggest you read the ICARUS Manual (came with 2nd tools release). After that, try out

some tutorials.

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