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Waypoints and point_combats disappearing


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Weird one....if I put a waypoint or point_combat down it dissapears. I can find them with the entity info option, but that way I can only see one at a time, and I can't connect waypoints to others etc becuase I can only select one at a time. The point_combats seem to be working fine in the level tho, so they're definately still there. All other entities seem to be staying visible in JK2Radient OK. Does anyone have any ideas what to do to make the point_combats and waypoints stay visible?

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Just goes to show you should read earlier posts as much as possible before answering questions....."Check the View Menu, go to Show, and make sure "Show Func_Groups" is selected." Waypoints and point_combats are in there too, stupid me for missing that, thanks to RichDiesal for helping the other guy :cool:

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