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A few model requests...


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My first request is for someone make a "Blade" model and saber hilt!!! Blade would work perfectly with a lightsaber! Second would be from the movie "Bram Stokers - Dracula", in the beginning of the movie, Dracula was wearing red armor and looked totally kick-ass slaying everyone, he too would work well with a lightsaber! Chelshire already used Draculas voice, I think? for his Darth Maul model(Which is my favorite model by the way). Third is a model of Duncan McCloud from the "Highlander" TV series, with ponytail, trenchcoat and saberhilt! Last but not leased would be a "Thundar the Barbarian" model, like the cartoon, with his Sunsword! I hope that this post intrests a few talented modelers! I would love to see some if not all of these characters come to life in this game!

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