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HELP! 1.04 server not being listed (linuxded)

Lord Sokar

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Yeah, ASE and all the other third-party game browsers seem to be cruising along with no problems at all.


But the fact of the matter is that most players (at least, not us hard core gamers) simply use the in game browser and that's it, so they'll never know (what appears to be) about half of us even exist.


This problem is so freaking obvious, I can't believe someone hasn't said something about it.

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I honestly think we're all spinning our wheels looking over our configs. I used to have this exact same problem on my EF servers from time to time. They would work for months beautufilly showing up in game browser. Then for example.... I would move the CTF server to another machine another IP, worked great, then for whatever reason shut that down and restart the original. The CTF server would stop showing up....


Now if I moved the CTF server to yet another machine it worked fine, and if I left it on that other machine long enough then moved it back it would work.


But for the life of me I don't know why. And just like everyone else my servers always show up in every other utility just not using ingame browser. So hell if I know. It's like you run a server long enough it gets blacklisted by the ingame browser I dunno. But I can no longer see my own servers, or matrixCPA server that I know of in the browser. I know we're all 1.04, but it no show up now. If I we're to start a new server on with the same config, it would work. Go figure.


Now others have no problem seeing my server ingame browser, even when I can't, and that I really don't understand. My best guess is some hidden variable in the query to the gamespy server happens to exclude particular servers on particular machines for no apparent reason. And I'd have to think that was it,as all other utils querying gamespy have no such problems.

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Originally posted by Celeron

Guys, I had this problem yesterday. I noticed it right away after I upgraded my Win2k server to 1.04.


I just changed the port number from 28071 to 28072, restarted the server a couple times and it showed back up in the list.


In fact, people are playing on it right now.


Try changing the port number.




Oh Joy!!! Celeron is my new hero!!!


(it worked)


and btw i had emailed Raven and did get reponses quickly. However they were not the answers we were looking for.

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Hmm...all my servers dosent show up in the ingame browser.


Thjen I tryed to rapidly hit the 'refresh list' in the ingame browser several times....and vupti, there they are....all 14 showing up


Strange master-server :confused:

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none of my servers show up in the in-game browser. i tried changing the port number and restarting the servers several times, they still don't show up.

in 3rd party browsers, they show up fine.


I really hope activision fixes that masterserver... losing players through 1.03 was bad enough, the remaining players not finding the servers now is worse.



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Hey arker, I had the same problem, and then I took the servers posted earlier and I got my server up and running..



seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"

seta sv_master4 "clanservers.net"



P.S., the Server is run on an overclocked 972Mhz, 448 Mb PC133 RAM, 2.8Mb Download 1.7 Mb Upload, Radeon 7200 64 MB SDR RAM


And the moment DEST releases his JEDIMOD, my server will be the 2nd to run it, only behind DEST's of course :wink

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Thanks for the tip.


Whats the 1.04 masterserver hostname thought? masterjk2.ravensoft.com was the 1.03 one, is still pingable, but for some reason seems to no longer work properly.





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i'm advertizing to gamespy, masterjk2.ravensoft.com, and clanservers.net, and none of my 1.04 servers show up. the 1.03 server does. i have 32 connections "Always Online CTF 1.04"

at I know they're not blocking heartbeats from the same IP.


here's a funny thing tho, i saw my servers on the list for about 10 minutes, i had accidently started 2 dedicated servers for my master game server (always online ctf), and wow, i was in the lists, go figure, killed off both, and restarted the one i wanted, loaded (without adminmod), and hey, where'd it go?


i really hope raven fixes this, i wasn't impressed at all with the patch, and now this...

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followup here, i decided to startup 2 exact servers, same names, etc, and i showup on the lists, Always Online CTF is now 3rd on the CTF lists when sorting by name, raven, FIX THIS please as I don't want all my customers running 2 dedicated servers, just to get on the damn lists.

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I'm already advertising 3rd party server browsers wherever I can. Its a joke to try keeping the servers full, when noone sees them. Sometimes I wonder how things like that are overseen in betatesting of patches.



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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

Is MatrixCPA gone?




MatrixCPA is still up. It doesn't show up in the ingame browser, but it does in gamespy.


AFAICT, he upgraded to 1.04, and the master at raven isn't reporting it.


He's Running JAB (JK admin Bot) which MAY be mucking up the 1.04 filter, but who knows. Personally, I'd rather get a "server running Version 15" message, than not see the server at all. Especially since it's so easy to switch versions now thith that Patchmaster thing.



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I'm having this same problem. Tried changing port numbers but it still resolves the ip of the masterjk2 server as xx.xx.xx.xx:27608 or something. Thats not the port I specified.


Anyways, what a way to dick us over after we patch. It was working fine for a while, now this, and the ever-increasing segfaults.


Thanks Raven.

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From what I have experienced with my server is that you have to take the server offline for 30-50 minutes or more. NOT like what they say 5-10 minutes.


This then allows thier server to uncache your server from the list. THen the next time your server comes up then heartbeats the raven server.


This worked. I was pulling hair trying to figure out why my server wasnt listed.


Problem is:


Twice since I did this my server became unlisted again!


This must be some problem with Raven and the new 1.04 patch.


First we never had filtering of servers before in jk2. But 1.04 client filters and only shows 1.04 servers.


Raven fix the bug.. I dont want to have to keep removing my server for 40 minutes.. or having to change the port every other day or something.. this is just downright getting stupid.


I emailed support.. posted here.. nothing.. FIX THE BUG..


BTW: You can hire me at $50/hour and I will fix it for you, Raven.


If this happens again tomorrow, this weekend I will write a program that pulls a udp port from the master server and gets a list of servers from raven and what they think the server is running.


Then I will compare that list automatically by udp port prob'n those servers and finding out what they really are running.


This should generate a list of servers that are running 1.04 that raven is not listing.


I will post that list every day if I have to until raven fixes this bug.


Everyone on that list should be really po'd at raven for not properly fixing their master servers.

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I don't use any mods on the servers I administrate. Yet neither of them show up in the in-game browser.


As for port.. you have to specifiy the port in the command line (e.g. jk2ded.exe +set net_port 27071).



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