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Scarren Warrior Work in Progress


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Okay, thanks to Reiver, I've found a new place to post my

pics. Here's one of the Scarrens from the Scifi show Farscape

that I have been working on. It still needs skinned so if someone

would be so kind as to tell HapSlash to get over here and take

a look at what he wanted to see.


Anway here it is, enjoy:


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Well I'm here,... I rarely hang out in the modeling forum, but now that the skinning forum's been virtually killed off I might as well start.


That looks great, but something seems off about the head/neck area, do you have a side view I could see,...

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I think that the neck might be too long,... Have to check on that.


I've got the entire series on tape, so I might be able to run some screen caps off for you to use as referece.


My computer isn't set up to do that right now, so I probably won't have anything until later today or tommorrow.

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You're right about that Wolf. I wonder why almost everyone else

lacks the vision of how cool some non-Star Wars characters being

brought into the game are cool?


I'm not offending Star Wars. It's just that Me, Wolf, HapSlash, and

a couple of others are willing to widen our perspective.


The rest of you should try to build something besides Star Wars

characters. Widen your perspective for a change. But still keep

building Star Wars characters for us. Especially you Major Clod.

Keep up the good work on your Tusken Raider. And you too

Anavel for you Padme model. I can't wait for her to be ingame.



Hey Wolf how's your Spawn model going?

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They head looks nice, and big just like its suppose to be.:)


probably already saw this pic: http://users.erols.com/lostj2/images/xmass/scarren-2full.jpg


If you compare the pic I gave the link for, and your model you can see on the pic that the jaw isnt right on the model. It comes out more on the sides under the eye sockets.



might be kinda small, but you can see the sape of the profile pretty good.

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Hmmm.. I think this now solves the problem I've been having

with this. I'll get to work on it right away. Thanks X. :)


Oh if any of you are wondering how many polys this model is

(not really a big deal), but it came at an amount of 2922

polys. In other words, I was cutting it close to the 3000 poly

limit. But hey... This is me talking here... I can get around mostly

any problem. ;)

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