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a saber hilt worth taking a look at.


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Originally posted by Lord -=[FBF]=-

i like both models, altho the second is better. as for skinmapping etc, check out my tutorial here, it includes pretty much everything u need to know to get a working, skinned saber up and running.

nice effort, great start, good luck for the future!!


oh so its you with the guide, how do i shrink my saber to fit the saber_w hilt?

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with the Uniform Scale tool.

make the meshes into just one mesh with Attach List (select one mesh, goto the Modifiers panel, click Attach List, and select all the other meshes), then just select it with Uniform Scale and shrink or expand ur hilt until its the right size.

hope that helps!

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my opinion its better than most of the ones iv'e seen so far (accept darth maul's.. thank you oh unnamed man)


Doesn't look like you said anything about "thinking" yours was better. Looks to me like you said it IS better.


im new to modeling, and to your forums at that


You are new to the forums, I will give you that. But if you are new at modeling who were you to tell us that your model is better? Exactly what I was trying to point out.


I'm not trying to point fingers, I don't mean to be mean - but it's not going to net you a lot of help coming in here automatically thinking that your models own everyone else's. Maybe it's misunderstanding on our part, but it sure is miscommunication on yours.


Now, helping you get it in-game. That's something we can help you with no problem. Although there are few of us, we saber modelers can really be of immense help with this kind of thing. Never once has any of us ever come in here "claiming" our model was the best thing ever. We let our work and the people who browse these forums speak for itself.


Your second model is great - much better and looks like you dropped quite a few thousand polys since the first. If you want someone to skin it the first thing you need to ask is what program you are using. The next thing is to see who is the most experienced "skinner" for that particular format. Can you export it to MD3? If you can just about anyone can skin it for you. Getting in-game would be difficult though unless you tagged it. Many people segment their models to make it easier to unwrap. I will be the first to tell you that if you send me a mesh and not a segmented model it will take me a hell of a lot longer because I hate having to drag out all the vertices (since most of them are welded together) just to skin your model.


Unfortunately, I can't be of much help because I have about 20 other sabers I'm doing first :(


So, good luck finding some help - you may want to ask alaris, as he is really the only other person I've seen here who skins them.

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heres where the understanding whould fall into play..


"in my opinion its better than most of the ones iv'e seen so far."


my opninoin = what i think, not you

most of the ones iv'e seen so far = how do you know for sure iv'e seen yours... probably havn't saying that iv'e only seen ones that jediknight2files.com hosts..

where in that did i say it WAS the best, out of ALL of them.. there ya go, now please get off my back..

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no one's on your back. welcome to the NYC of JK2. Half the garbage stuff you see on JK2 is just reborn reskinners in need of attention. No sir, the real models come from here. You wanna learn the ways of modeling and skinning? Come here. Or Polycount. But come here first ^_^.


Anyways, you may infer that "it is better" is what you think, just because it was your opinion. But saying "it is better" to us means you think your model owns. Whether or not you meant it that way is irrelevant. When you write (or type) you don't do it based on your own opinion of your model, you do it based on how you think everyone else will react. If you think your model is kick ass, the way to do it is as follows:


"Hey, this is my first time doing a model, I worked pretty hard on it so tell me what you think"




"Hey, this is my first time doing a model, I worked my butt off and it's definitely better than anything else I've seen."


How do we know what you've seen? We don't. Did you say "hey I saw those pieces of garbage at jk2files.com and they sucked" at all? No. The second one is exactly what every single person reading your thread heard. Not to mention the title of your thread "A saber model worth looking at." basically saying that every saber modeller here is a n00b without any modeling skills. Now you didn't mean it like that, it's ok. But to name your topic something that offensive to the modelers in this community is suicide in these parts.


I'll give you a quick lesson in naming your topics.


WIP: (insert name here)


No gimmicks, no smart-alec remarks, no trashing other people's work, no assuming you know it all because you made a 10000 poly model that looks excellent but doesn't work in game, just a WIP for asking for people's opinions. That's all. You don't need to come here and try to own the place, let your work speak and your finished product speak even louder. Do you see Kinja running around going "My Yoda model owns all those other pieces of garbage out there." Maybe it does, maybe to all these people Yoda absolutely owns every other model out there. But who is Kinja to decide that? No one. That's why you ask for opinions. Not so you can brag about your work - but so other people can comment on it. Otherwise, there is no sense in posting your work here.

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