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complaining about patches?


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My question is simple... why complain so much when Raven/Lucas try to make adjustments to the complaints that were registered from the last patch? Can we not give them just a little credit for listening and trying?


How many of you were actually active in helping them resolve the problems with balance between light and dark? How many of you actually gave constructive comments about the gameplay? How many of you tried to play the patches as they were put out knowing full well that no one person would be 100% satisfied with the results?


I have stood behind the developers and expect you all to as well. It is alright. Relax, it is only a game, and a good one at that. One can always go back to CS if you think the patches suck, right?




aka: ^2TheMidi-Chlorians

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Originally posted by Hawk3y3Pierce

How many of you were actually active in helping them resolve the problems with balance between light and dark? How many of you actually gave constructive comments about the gameplay?


These helpful people made it possible for a game to go from having to be cautious with every step in a duel. To having 85% of hits blocked and allowing NewBs to run in and live longer than a minute. Thanks


These helpful people made it possible for saber to do laughable damage in the name of realism. Thanks


These people would have Raven remove or weaken every attack that they can't seem to avoid. Thanks


Blance between Light and Dark? You now have an enviroment in FFA where half the players run around with lightning and half run around with absorb on all day. Thanks a lot for the wonderful balance. Thanks for making Heal and Drain totally useless. Thanks.


See Raven got it right the first time,after all they get paid to do what they do. They could have added a few helpful things like the console screen, and some other technical improvements. Maybe tweek a move here and there.


If you like the game you play the game, you don't have any need to contact Raven and tell them what they can do to fix it. So these patches are in effect created by people who hate the game, not by those who love it.


Those of us who liked the product of proffesional thinking were ignored. We were silenced by those who would rather play a game that's rules are created by losers.



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Originally posted by Hawk3y3Pierce

My question is simple... why complain so much when Raven/Lucas try to make adjustments to the complaints that were registered from the last patch? Can we not give them just a little credit for listening and trying?


How many of you were actually active in helping them resolve the problems with balance between light and dark? How many of you actually gave constructive comments about the gameplay? How many of you tried to play the patches as they were put out knowing full well that no one person would be 100% satisfied with the results?


I have stood behind the developers and expect you all to as well. It is alright. Relax, it is only a game, and a good one at that. One can always go back to CS if you think the patches suck, right?




aka: ^2TheMidi-Chlorians


Correct, and on I'll say I did e-mail Raven and ask for this patch. I also E-mailed Raven and thanked them too.

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Originally posted by Hawk3y3Pierce

My question is simple... why complain so much when Raven/Lucas try to make adjustments to the complaints that were registered from the last patch? Can we not give them just a little credit for listening and trying?





2nd post I have read tonight that has a grasp of the bigger picture. I thank you man, "I hope you bring sanity and compassion.." back to the forum :D, I apologize for the corny quote.


Hawkeye: I know where you are coming from man, or should I say. WE know where RAVEN is comming from. Regardless of the circumstantially poor improvements that affect certain groups of people at certain times, raven is trying to do this for us. I have a thread that I quite literally just put (please note the time if you are wondering when), which is similar to what you are saying here, and seeing your rational thoughts on your thread, I would like you to hear what I have to say on mine please note the link. If I messed up the link somehow, the thread is called: "1.04.....kinda. Raven: TRY THIS"


I'm not thanking raven for the progress made thus far. But I am realizing the alterior motive: Game improvement. So this thread is about constructive criticism if you will. I'm not going to pretend I know more than them about programming so I'm not going to tell them what to do. Restless whining reader please interpret sarcasm in previous sentence.


Anyhow hawkeye, nice thread. Please check mine out too (and all readers compliant with what hawkeye is trying to say too, I invite you to check it out).




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