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KillTracker 2.0


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I downloaded kill tracker 2.0, but I can't get it to work properly. I have extracted the files into the GameData folder, where it is suppose to be, and I do have it running in the background.


The commands !kills and !time work. BUT it won't record any of my kills, nor send the message it is suppose to send when I kill someone. I have killed alot of people since I have had it but it still says I have 0 kills....


Help me! :ewok:

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Honestly...GOOD! I'm glad it's not working for you all. I find it to be one of THE most annoying proggies made for any MP game. It's up there with UT taunt scripts. This thing spams some trash talking crap to the server after every kill, and no offense to you all, but most of the people I've seen using this have no business taunting the people they kill. This thing should be taken off jk3.nets files section IMO. It's a nuisance.

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Excuse me, but the last time I checked, as long as it wasn't inflammatory, WHICH I WASN'T! I could voice my opinion on this board. So don't tell me to **** OFF! It's an annoying little prog. And the fact you took the spam out doesn't mean it's not still being used. So take the criticism and deal with it. Jesus, how old are you 12?!?!?! Grow up. Just because someone expresses their dislike of something you jump on them and tell them to **** OFF! Get a clue kid!

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