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Lord Ignasius

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Originally posted by Lord Ignasius

So did it work???


Ok, I finally had the time to try a few things.


I broke up my npcs.cfg of about 60 custom characters into individual .npc file entries. About 10 were over 512 bytes (mostly the ones with surf info that I didn't take time to delete other stuff like dismemberment probabilities). With this set of files the game says "NPC extensions (*.npc) are too large" when trying to load a map. So I took off a few .npc files (all under 512 bytes). At 58 .npc files, maps would load (this was a mix of <512 and >512, mind you), but not at more. Then I shortened the >512 .npc files, and added a few more .npc files, bringing the total to about 65. Maps loaded fine.


So, as far as I can tell (I'd still like someone else to confirm this), JK2 will not run over 58 custom NPCs in .npc files if any of the entries are over 512 bytes. My previous test with just the npcs.cfg suggests that a similar limit applies - perhaps 60 (or I may have just miscounted) npcs until you get the error message "ext_data/NPCs.cfg is too large", unless they are all under 512 bytes.


I'll update if I discover anything new...

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Yeah ok so that was totally wrong about that. I just tried adding a couple more real npcs and now it doesn't work. The test npcs that I quickly created to see if I could hit 59 without stopping were really just slightly changed and renamed copies of one another. Apparently the playermodel must be different for it to count as a npc? Perhaps.... well anyway, it doesn't work now, with 61 custom npcs, each in their own .npc file, all under 512 bytes. I even dropped them all to under 500, just to be sure... no go. This sucks...


UPDATE: Ok, the number of npcs at which it maxes out seems to be fluctuating by one or two at all times... Sometimes it seems like some npcs screw things up... I really have no idea at this point... so I'm going to stop speculating at this point. If anyone can shed some light on this, please do! :(

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