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I can't join my own server, but others can


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What did I do to deserve this...


I like to download things. I have over 350 models/skins/maps. My /base directory is very full.


Others like this because they get to use all their cool little models and skins.


Others CAN join my server and play normally.


I, however, CAN'T. When I try to join, my game freezes for a second, then drops out saying the server disconnected me. Looking at the server error messages, it says I was dropped because of an invalid .pk3 file!


Now, you get dropped for an invalid .pk3 file when you have something the server doesn't, correct?




Please help :(

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Actually, thats a point I forgot to make.. before I added a whole lot of skins/models/maps, I could join my own dedicated server just fine. It is possible. In fact, I temporarily removed all my extra stuff, and it was fine again..




I'm guessing the problem lies with one of my skins/models/maps, but how would I go about figuring out which one? Out of 350?




And WHY, exactly, would a skin/model/map mess up my relationship with the server? Technically, if I have a file in my base directory.. my server is using it.. and my client is using it too. I've never had problems like this before.


Can anyone shove me in the right direction?

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yeah.. the easiest way to solve this would be to make your server not pure. seta sv_pure 0


Or.. you could always see what pk3 file its complaining about and delete it, but then u might find there'll still be others it'll complain about and it could end up takin heaps of ur time.

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This truly is making no sense because I can join others pure servers just fine.. I joined my friends server who does -not- have any mods activated, and I was fine. Yet I can't join my own server which also has no mods activated.



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