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rob force powers?


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you need to script that


i think you add a key in the player_start entity called "spawnscript", then put in the name of the script you will make for it


then in the script, put in this:

affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ INSERT )












set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABER_THROW", /*@FORCE_LEVELS*/ "0" );



(i think the 'kyle' variable is the name of your player start entity; i havent done this myself, so im not positive)


basically put these commands into the icarus program, then compile it to an .ibi, then place the .ibi in your scripts/ folder

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yeah ok and nevermind what i said earlier about adding a key in the spawnpoint it is a bad thing!


ok, what you need to do: assuming you have installed JK2EditingTools2


1. select the script from my last post, from affect to the last bracket

2. copy it to the clipboard (ctrl-c)

3. open up BehavEd.exe in the Tools\ directory

4. on the right side there is a paste button, push that; it will bring a couple of dialog boxes, click yes

5. you will notice in the tree that the settings are all placed; compile the script (name doesnt need any extension)


6. open up your map

7. put a target_scriptrunner near your spawn

8. in the target_scriptrunner, make a key/value: "Usescript", "scripts/<yourscriptname>"

9. deselect everything, then select your spawnpoint, then your scriptrunner (both selected)

10. press ctrl-k to target them (so the spawn targets the srunner)

11. you should be good to go, if your map is in base/maps and script in base/scripts


when paking them, make sure to keep the script in the pk3 file, under a scripts/ dir


sorry if i strung it out a little bit, i wanted to go step-by-step as much as possible, so i can get the feel of it better


hope this helps you out


pp: i did these steps and it worked fine for me; however i noticed i still had the lightsaber, and two stances availible, until i switched to pistol, then back to saber, i only had the last stance i used! wierd! - i think without the saber force powers, itd be better to not give the player the saber (the "stunbaton" spawnflag in the info_player_start entity should do that)

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oh the "clipboard" is a behind-the-scenes windows feature that stores the data when you press ctrl-c (copy command)


if you selected it, and press ctrl-c, its on the "clipboard"; open up notepad and press ctrl-v (paste command), and it will put down all that was copied


its feature thats been around since windows, i dont even think about it


so just do the steps i said!

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