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Gungan Jedi

Guest BlueSenateGuard

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Guest BlueSenateGuard

Wait a minute, did they say EVERY civilization would have Jedi Knights? I have a bad feeling about this. . .:eek:

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Guest Tie Guy

They may have human jedi's that help them out. Like ones that are sent to them by the Jedi Council for their defense. Still, a Gugan jedi would be an interesting unit.

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Guest IwantGBGnow!

Meesa gonna bring PEACE To da galaxee! Feew the wrath of meesa wightsaba. Sith lord? How wude!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Only the Trade Federation and the Empire will have Sith warriors instead of Jedi.


I don't see why Gungans shouldn't have Jedi Masters. They are not clumsy like Jar Jar. Imagine Captain Tarpals with Jedi Powers!

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Guest Tie Guy

Captain Tarpals is cool anyway. I hope he'll be a hero character.


anyways, It just wouldn't be fair not to give them jedi masters, that would be totally unbalanced if they did that.

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Guest Tie Guy

Hmm, that's a good point. I never thought of that before.


But then why is the jedi coucil on Coruscant, where there is only metropolis?

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Guest Boba Fett

Hey, if Gungans did have lightsabers would they have organically grown shells on them? That would be cool and it would give Gungan Jedi a whole new look. Just a thought.

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Guest Boba Fett
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Hmm, that's a good point. I never thought of that before.


But then why is the jedi coucil on Coruscant, where there is only metropolis?


Of course the JEdi Council has to be on coruscant, because coruscant is the center of the galactic republic. The Jedi if they want to help the galaxy have to have their council in the very heart of the galactic republic.

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, Luke made his accademy on Yavin, not Coruscant, even though he had the same goals as the original Jedi Order.

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Guest Boba Fett

Good point Tie Guy. It probably doesn't matter too much where a jedi temple is located, as long as its not as remote as Dagobah or Tattoeine.

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Guest Wedge

The temple is very natural inside with gardens and fountans and all that stuff and I think Gungan Jedi Masters would be cool.

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Guest Boba Fett

Sorry that I'm such a natural know-it-all, but maybe there weren't any Gungan Jedi during Qui-gonn or Obi-wan's lifetime. After all the Gungan campaign takes place before Episode one. And there are alot of species in the Galaxy, so what two people can keep track of them all?

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Gungan Jedi. Wookie Jedi seems a bit weird to me. In any case never saw any in the different Star wars books.


But why not? Could be kind of cool

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Guest Tie Guy

Greetings Wedge.


Good point, i heard that the gungans campaign was also partiallyafter the movies as well, so they could easily have gotten some after they were made known to the galaxy.


Also, who can keep track of all the Jedi studnets. There were so many students no one could keep track, not even yoda. Plus, Qui-Gon and Ob-Wan probably didn't visit the training facilities all that often, they were past that stage already.

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Guest Tie Guy

That's true, doesn't every living thing have midichlorians. After all, "Without the midichlorians, life would not exist." --Gui-Gon

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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, of course. But i don't know if making them weaker is the best way to balance them, since, if they were weak against blasters and stuff, they wouldn't really be vong,

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