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WTF!! Jan Turned Into A Reborn And Won't Stop Shooting Me In SP!! (Screenshots)


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Holy crap! Something is wrong, the game replaced Jan Ors with a strange reborn skin, WHY???!


Screenshot 1


Screenshot 2


Screenshot 3


My crosshair shows the Jan/Reborn as an enemy as you can see. Once I get in an assult with some stormtroopers the Jan/Reborn starts shooting me.


Even in the opening intro movie Jan is a reborn!!




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LoL, that IS funny. :lol:


It looks to me like the culprit is the fire reborn (the real name and author escape me... :rolleyes: ) skin, which you probably downloaded unknowingly off an autodownload to a multiplayer server. Just pop open the gamedata\base folder, and search for any odd folders or .pk3 files, or as an end-all-be-all manuever, you can uninstall JO, then delete the files by hand when the "legit" ones are omitted.


That should solve it. :)

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

LoL, that IS funny. :lol:


It looks to me like the culprit is the fire reborn (the real name and author escape me... :rolleyes: ) skin, which you probably downloaded unknowingly off an autodownload to a multiplayer server. Just pop open the gamedata\base folder, and search for any odd folders or .pk3 files, or as an end-all-be-all manuever, you can uninstall JO, then delete the files by hand when the "legit" ones are omitted.


That should solve it. :)


LOL, could it also be in a map?

Like, em, the first time I saw that skin was in The Emperor's Villa map, is there a fire reborn model included in that .pk3??


I'll check it out...

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That always bugs me when folks tdo that kind of stuff. The Jedi Academy Kyle skin has Jedi Moves in the pk3 as well. Once I put it on the server everyone was twirling about like the map was a caberet! Nuts to that. Map & Skin makers, package that stuff separately plz. :D

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

That's pretty odd; I've never seen a MP mappack try to force anything in SP. Just fyi, you can open any .pk3 file in Winzip, and if you find anything suspicious like that in there, you can always delete the portion you don't like. :)


FYI, I know you can open .pk3s in WinZip... :rolleyes:

LOL :p

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