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Scarren Warrior model updated.


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Must keep this thread on page 1 until HapSlash gets back to see








*D loses track of time*








Ummm.... can anyone tell a good story around here? I just need

something to keep this up on page 1.

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Yeah, I might have exagerated the neck a little. I was trying to get it done quickly, had places to go and people waiting on me.


To me, the original model looked a little sparse about the ribcage, making it a little wider might help. You didn't mention anything about it so I thought I'd bring it up.

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I saw the vamp king sword and I see how u want it. I will take a wack at it and it should be a day or two to finish that up.

btw nice skarren model ;)



When the last vampire is extinct, who will mourn our passing? Will She? Will anyone? Can anyone understand this pain... this lonliness? :vamp1:

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The model is great!

As a long time Farscape (since episode 1) watcher I've enjoyed these beasties:d


At any rate, My problem is ofcourse not with your model, but with Raven's tools itself. The warriors have longer arms in general, to compesante for bigger muscles it seems, and you can kind of see in that model the arms seema bit ..short?


Someone should do Harvey..:p Scropious

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Yes someone should make a Scorpius player model.


And due to Raven being a**holes and not giving us what we need in order to succeed. I have no choice but to make the arms

that length. Raven should get off their a** and give us the rest of

the stuff.


I don't like working with halfa** done stuff.


How do they expect the community to make JK2 an even greater

game if they don't give us all of the resources we need?

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