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WIP: Count Dooku Hilt

Phi-Ren Le'myr

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I've pretty much finished the model, but Im having trouble doing the UV mapping so I can skin it. I was following -=[FBF]=- 's tutorial but when i got to the Skinmapping part, it didn't work right. So if anyone has a link to a GMax tutorial on UV mapping, that would be great!


Heres my model:




Image I was going by:





Im gonna import the model into the game without a skin to see what it looks like. Once I get the Editing tools, I'll do that and post a pic of it in-game.

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well, heres a picture of the saber in-game....




In trying to make it look right, I've found that you're either gonna have "A good fitting handle" or "A straight light blade"... you can't have both. That's the reason why none of the blades in the game are curved. I've tried to make it so the blade leaned forward so it matches the handle but I can't do it to make it look right.. it only rotates to the right or left not forward like i wanted it to be.


So I don't know if I'm going to go any further with it cuz its just not gonna look right.


what do you guys think?

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let me correct what I said, when i said blades I meant.... thats why the saber hilts aren't curved since the blade can't be moved, the saber hilt has to be straight vertical or it won't be aligned with the blade.


Cuz my model is curved, trying to fit it with the blade is difficult and if I do, then the hilt won't fit the hands good (like in that pic i posted of my saber in-game)


I did shrink the model so its not as noticable but then whats the point cuz its too small to see any detail.


I don't care, I'm not gonna work on this anymore.

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*sigh* you didn't download my hilt and look did you? It's perfectly curved, zero clipping, and still manages to have the blade line up fine. Your problem is you don't know what I'm talking about when I say angle the hilt. That's why the first curved hilt ever released for this game sucked. I'm telling you, if you download mine, you will see what I mean.


Giving up before you've even taken other modeler's advice...


"hmm...no future for you do I see."

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I already have your Hilt, thats the one I was talking about when I said I didn't like it.


Your hilt is so small you can't see any detail, and I can't even tell that its Dooku's hilt.


I've already tried angling my hilt, but all that does is make it fit the hands good but then its not aligned with the blade.... it looks weird.


ADDED: Also, because its so small I couln't even tell whether it was curved, it just looks like a straight saber.

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