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Mod idea from mod veteran for a community made mod

oddjob: A-Team

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Would anybody out there be interested in working on a Jedi vs. Bountyhunter mod? A TFC style CTF/Team FFA mod. With light and dark Jedi on one side and different classes of bounty hunters on the other, using as many of the great custom models that have been released as we can get permission for, including the ones made by yours truely.


The Jedi team would not need any additional work really. But the bounty hunter team would require new weapons/abilities and a TFC style class system. Things like jet packs for the Fetts, and grappling hooks and the like, with the goal of making the teams as balanced as can be. A rock, papers, sissors type balance where each jedi power has a bounty hunter ability or technology with a comperable ability. Like a special NV like sensor to spot mind tricking Jedi, but no seeing though walls. And the grappling hook to trip/pull Jedi ala the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight in Ep II. Not a direct power for tech balance but comperable. Perhaps give the Jedi team the clear advantage with the Force but balance the teams with the number of players on each team. Like say a 2:1 or 2:3 ratio. Hopefully causing the bounty hunter team to HAVE to team up to defeat a Jedi.


Here's a design doc I whipped up this morning:




Perhaps as a community we could get together and make this happen?


The models and characters named in the doc are just suggestions at this point, but let me take this time to ask preliminary permission from all the great modelers out there to use their work if this thing actually happens.

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Well, I have worked on mods for years. Good, completed ones at that.



http://action.telefragged.com/ (Gooseman of CS fame's last mod before Counterstrike)

And I am currently working on a publisher demo. So I am very familar with the work and effort and such that goes into a mod.


Let me clarify what this post was meant for, so extremely RUDE people like Vampire D won't feel the need for more spaming of threads that he doesn't like. It was more meant as an offering of an idea that has been kicking around in my head since I started working on JKII models and saw the other quality models being made by my peers, to see if there would be any community support for it. Since the lionshare of the work that would need to be done would be in the coding arena(of which I know a few that would like to work with me) the rest of the work like modeling and such could be made by people interested in the project and dontating their work rather than a full fledge mod team. Kind of an informal community made mod that would showcase all the great community made models. Because I want to see my models and the rest of the community's models being used the way they are supposed to be used as bounty hunters or Jedi, totally fitting their theme.


So, this WASN'T a normal mod request but something slightly different. And I didn't post it here initially because of the rules, but I felt, upon thinking about it further that it could be appropriate from a certain point of view. But then, I expected a bit more respect from my peers. Apparently I was wrong. In one case anyway.

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