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The Impossible Dream...


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Give it up folks....ain't gonna happen...that dog don't hunt...the parties over...wake up to reality etc...


I'll say it one more time and its been said a million times before. It's not the moves in the game that are the real issue... it's the type of people that use them.


There will NEVER I repeat NEVER be a moment when any online game reaches "perfect balance". No amount of nerfing or patching from the software companies is going to make things just right. Until we can "patch" the players this is the way it's going to be.


While I too have had problems with some of the "bugs" in the game, I've stuck with it. My style of play really hasn't changed that much from how I played it in 1.02. I do find that because my style has always been not to abuse the specials, that I actually play better now. All those hours of practicing the regular moves has paid off.


The most important thing is this... It's the people that I play with that make this game what it is. People that want to enjoy the game for what it was intended. A way to put yourself in the shoes of a Jedi, wielding the coolest weapon ever to be created in the world of science fiction.


Each version of the game to date has had issues...you either adapt or you don't. Make a MOD that changes the game to play the way YOU like it. Create your own server and change the settings to your liking. For some reason, if you can't do any of these things then read the next paragraph twice.


The key to having a good time with this game is to find a server where your play style fits in with the other players that frequent the same server.


It's not about whoring specials, spamming DFA, ass-fighting, kick-whoring etc. Get used to it... find your niche, stick to it and have fun.

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Yeah man, I agree with you. I have a post on a relative issue myself, and being that I have witnessed what appears to be another rational mind of the forums, I invite you to check it out. I would like to hear your thoughts on it. It's somewhat like what you were trying to say, a little different. More or less about the fact that Raven may want to try adding stuff instead of taking away, since taking stuff away is a surefire way to piss off a certain amount of people. Ah anywho, check it out if you want, and good luck with this thread. My thread can be found here

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