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PC configuration!


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Well, if the processor can handle it (should be able to), I would say you try the next setting above 1042x768 (1164x1042?). Since I have that same video card and RAM config on my p4 1.7 ghz, I use the above setting and don't suffer any noticable FPS drops or "lag" at all, and everything is much sharper then with my Radeon card. :D

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Actually I encountered something funny the other day...or it may be because I am a n00b, nut anyway...


I ran resolution 800x600, I added a lot of bots....the picture started stuttering a little when a moved around..then I set the screen res. to 1024x768, and it stopped.....when I moved, the picture ran smoothly....


Kindda funny I thought... :D

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Make sure you set 128mb for your ram. Then run at 800x600 with everything at max. Your card is fast in a Geforce 2 way but the 800 P3 is not letting you get the full potential of the card. The lower resolution should help to keep your fps above the 60 mark online if you have a cable/dsl setup. Also make sure that fsaa is turned off along with anistrophic filtering. Both of these will kill your fps. Also make sure that vsync is turned off to eliminate the fps cap. If these things help to gain you some more fps then start to work your resolution up. You may also find that with your Geforce card high detail looks almost the same as very high detail. Good luck.

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You should be able to run it at atleast 1152x864 with the details set to "Medium". I have about the same setup, AMD Duron 700 @ 784, 640MB PC133 SDRAM, GeForce2 GTS and at most maps I can do 102x768 with High and Very High quality textures. And at some maps I can run 1280x1024 with Medium or High detail quality.


At this my FPS ranges between 100 and 30 depending on the map.


For instance the Canyon Oasis v2.0 map by Dad. I can run 1280x1024 with my graphic quality details on High and Very high (as high as they will go), and my FPS is never lower than 24fps. If I do 1024x768 it's never lower than about 30-35fps.

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Originally posted by Evolution

I have a gf2mx, and I run JKII at 1154x864, with details to max(true colour at 16)! I usually get 50 fps, and it looks smooth. Since you a better system, I suggest that you almost max out your res, and try it for yourself :)


As they say, the Quake 3 engine has no frills, but it makes itself a hit from its high stability and low system reqs. The antithesis to this is the Tribes 2 engine, with its impossible requirements but overly glossed graphics and dynamic map / script compilations.


It all depends on what you prefer and what you can afford. Enough said. :D

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My specs:


AMD Athlon 850MHz

163MB SDRAM (wierd size)

G-Force2 MX400 64MB

ACER 20x10x40 CD-RW


My computer used to be a P3 450MHz computer, but I replaced everything but the HDD, so it's a real piece of patch work. I run JK2 at 800x600x32, because that's the best size for my small monitor, but I do enjoy high FPS for all my games (except GTA3 lol)

I've decided not to upgrade anymore, but save up for a new comp in preparation for the arrival of C&C Generals and Doom3.

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