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Downloadable files off web


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Hi all


Just wondered how I get a map file that I've added to my website to be downloadable. At the moment it's just opening up the text in the explorer window. How do I get the link to open a download box.

I have all the correct files saved at the website. All I need to do is link them together.


Sorry I know this is really an HTML question but it's important.


I'm using dreamweaver by the way.





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Easy, I'm great with HTML. :)


Go ahead and design your layout, now upload a screenshot and upload it via FTP or if you have some cheapy newbie host use their file uploader through Internet Explorer.


Now, if your makin your site with Dreamweaver just add an image

(Insert>Image) and browse for the image file. Or, add the HTML code, <img src="/myscreenshot.jpg">.


Change the image dimensions to a thumbail image (136x96) or whatever you'd like.


Now, upload your .pk3/.bsp/.map file same way you uploaded the screenshot and make some text (Ex. My New Map) and highlight it in Dreamweaver then in the small little window somewhere on your design page put the URL to the file in the "Link" field, or add this HTML code, <a href="/mymap.map">My New Map</a>


Then save the web page as an .html file and upload it via FTP or file uploader depending on your web host.

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Thanks for the explaination but I kinda know how to make web pages. My question was more about my map file. When I click on the link I created it does not offer a download box. Instead it displays the code that make's up the map file in an html window.


Any ideas?

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Originally posted by aazell



Thanks for the explaination but I kinda know how to make web pages. My question was more about my map file. When I click on the link I created it does not offer a download box. Instead it displays the code that make's up the map file in an html window.


Any ideas?


Tell them to right click the link and press "Save Target As".


Damn, I spent all that time writin that for nothin. :(

I should read the whole post instead of replying to half of it. :p


All I read was:


Just wondered how I get a map file that I've added to my website to be downloadable.


And replied...

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