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Tragin Galo Beta testers needed!


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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

hey, i understand those damn 'resonless' glitches. Do you know what a grey with white stripes image means?


some shaders just don't function correctly. (i.e. bespin/water1)


and Eagle, checking my email now.

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if it's glass then it is a shader. All glass textures are shaders :p


Anyways, on to the feedback.


I sent the link to Eagle guys so once he gets that he'll most likely contact you with it.


Soo.. now for my review of what he has done so far.


Level Design: Very well done. Only noticed Z-fighting in a couple areas (mainly around doors and it wasn't really noticable until you got up on it). The flow of the first level (i.e. The base) was thought out and exploring is a factor in finding where you need to go.


Scripting/Cutscenes: What can I say? WOW. These cutscenes have been planned out I can tell. The voice acting sounds great and the scripting he has done looks very cool. I noticed a sound glitch in the first cutscene of the game. Although, other than that, every other cutscene really rocked.


Gameplay/Playability: This map ran really well on my machine. I'm running the following:


1.2 GHz AMD Athlon Thunderbird

512Mb DDR333

Asus A7V333

Visiontek Xtasy GeForce 4 Ti-4200.


Yeah Yeah I know. But I think that the map ran really well. Gameplay is thought out, and you aren't fighting 20 reborn at the same time (In fact you don't fight any reborn in what I played through)


Overall: Overall I really can't wait for this to be finished now. This will definitely be a must download once Eagle finishes it.

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E-mails sent:D


If you guys could post here or E-mail me to let me know that you've go the file that would be great, then volrath can delete the file:)


Volrath you've made me a very happy man:D


Originally posted by volrathxp

Level Design: Very well done. Only noticed Z-fighting in a couple areas (mainly around doors and it wasn't really noticable until you got up on it). The flow of the first level (i.e. The base) was thought out and exploring is a factor in finding where you need to go.


I'll be sure to fix that z-fighting:) Level desighn on the next section should (I hope) be much better than the first, The problem was i had trouble trying to make it look like an endless fog without the fog looking reeally bad:(


Originally posted by volrathxp

Scripting/Cutscenes: What can I say? WOW. These cutscenes have been planned out I can tell. The voice acting sounds great and the scripting he has done looks very cool. I noticed a sound glitch in the first cutscene of the game. Although, other than that, every other cutscene really rocked.


Thanks!:D I'm guessing that sound glitch would be that damned reborns lightsaber:rolleyes: clangclangclangclangclangclangclangclangclangclangclangclang:D

Problem is it gets stuck inbetween the cliff, a clip brush to the floor should get rid of it but i kept forgetting to put that in:D


Thankyou for your kind comments volrath:D

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anytime anytime.


hope you don't mind but i let two of my team members play it as well and both of their comments were that it was great so far.


And yes I was talking about the Reborn saber.... lol... how funny that was... i thought it wasn't ever gonna stop.


And question: who's doing all your voice acting? cuz they're doing a good job so far...


that's all i have... peace!

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Originally posted by volrathxp

anytime anytime.


hope you don't mind but i let two of my team members play it as well and both of their comments were that it was great so far.


And yes I was talking about the Reborn saber.... lol... how funny that was... i thought it wasn't ever gonna stop.


And question: who's doing all your voice acting? cuz they're doing a good job so far...


that's all i have... peace!


Hey no problem thats fine:D


And uh....


Voiceacting is kinda done by me:)

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At first, a big compliment for your work, especially the scripting in cutscenes that shows what can be done. The music fits good into the level, sometimes i was humming with the music :). ...Was a remarkable experience.


i will mostly add criticism, dont need to repeat all points that were said.


framerates were good on my system (PIII 800, Geforce2 ultra, 384 MB RAM, 800x600 with all details)


to the opening cutscene:


- the peaks of the mountains could be rounded somewhat since a few of them are looking too pointed

- the x-wing flying over the mountains and then to the planet stops or slows down on the turning points. As far as i know you could avoid this with some scripting tweakage, only think about the flying cabs in nashaddar which drove in smooth curves.

-on the bridge where tragin throws the reborn of the bridge, the reborn is stucking and sliding during the beginning of the fall for some seconds

-the mountain area is very opened, i think there could be a strong blowing wind sound during the tragin-bridge-reborn-cutscene, increasing the dramatism of the bridge cutscene and the reborns fall

-cuz you see tragin and the reborn on the top of the mountains, there would be a good use for a cloudlayer above the mountain peaks. Just look for fx_clouldlayer in the fx-directory of the radiant entity bar.




to zero vis, the base:

- i think you already know there are some z-fighting spots that get striking, ie. when you stand near the hangar bulkhead and look to the door that gets you to the maincorridor. But this is a minor problem, imho

-the glass texture of the windows should be scaled up, since those darker spots on the glass are repeating too much.

-the 2 elevators which get you to the hangar railings only work one way, i can get up with them but if i want down to the corridor again, i'll have to jump, no real problem here because you fall a few feets only

-next point is the overall atmosphere, that could be increased visual wise, since you encounter just a few enemies (which is good). I will quote some points with the following sentences, that i wrote in another thread:


If the level consists of a once high frequented base that was damaged and rebuild through the years make it looking so, not only building a base. Create broken walls and cracks on the ground. Put broken stones on the ground that once were a part of the walls. Make doors that dont open properly or that open and close automatic from time to time without being triggered by the player. Having some minor experience in Photoshop or similar apps you can make a bunch of textures dirty/bloody/damaged, so you get the image of a much used based that can tell you decades of history . In the process of rebuilding the base the troops may have shut down old generators or pipes and have built new ones through different corridors. At some spots there could be steam leaks with bright clouds and a whizzing sound coming out of the leaks. Certain lights could be flickering (in relation with a fitting sound) to look like being damaged, but its clever here to add some non flickering lights into the same room, so you dont provoke an epileptic reaction on side of the player. Put items in a chaotic manner on the floors, on tables or consoles, like there has been an evacuation where troops have thrown away what they had in their fingers or below their asses at this time.


this road along, adding some more (dead) bodies or even injured npcs to the floors and changing the lighting from "normal" to "there must have been happen something weird" will strengthen the story. Because it is raining all day (my guess), there could be some small rain puddles, that are leaking near windows or wall corners where even some rock can be seen, that was too hard to be blowed up for the building of the base.


Or imagine a "magic" computer voice shouting out something like "malfunction in the defense parameter system, plea... please avoid entering control rooms 1A and ..... tssss, err... in....psssssss *voice shut down*" And then when you enter one of the control rooms, you'll feel the mighty power of a tie fighter :)





keep up the good work, its like crack for the community *g*

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someone changed the time configuration for the database, so my posting got into the middle of the thread instead to the end, so dont wonder.



at this moment (i live in germany/berlin) my time is about 5:30 am in the morning and some of the newer postings in this forum have the time 07-21-2002 12:52 PM.

Its obvious the forum experienced an error.

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Originally posted by Eagle_e7


Hey no problem thats fine:D


And uh....


Voiceacting is kinda done by me:)


ah no kidding? very well done then man. i'm gonna have to go back through it again just to see if i can spot anything else that could use fixing.. never know.

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Thanks for the comments guys :D


Ok drakewl first



Originally posted by Drakewl

- the peaks of the mountains could be rounded somewhat since a few of them are looking too pointed



The lighting seems to aggrevate this somewhat aswell, i will work on this.


Originally posted by Drakewl

on the bridge where tragin throws the reborn of the bridge, the reborn is stucking and sliding during the beginning of the fall for some seconds


Unavoidable im afraid:(


Originally posted by Drakewl

-the mountain area is very opened, i think there could be a strong blowing wind sound during the tragin-bridge-reborn-cutscene, increasing the dramatism of the bridge cutscene and the reborns fall


Actually there was, but i had to remove it temporarily and i forgot to put it back :)


Originally posted by Drakewl

-the 2 elevators which get you to the hangar railings only work one way, i can get up with them but if i want down to the corridor again, i'll have to jump, no real problem here because you fall a few feets only


Doh! i something else i completely forgot:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Drakewl

-next point is the overall atmosphere, that could be increased visual wise, since you encounter just a few enemies (which is good). I will quote some points with the following sentences, that i wrote in another thread:


That great advice thanks:D given me some great ideas:D


Originally posted by Drakewl

Or imagine a "magic" computer voice shouting out something like "malfunction in the defense parameter system, plea... please avoid entering control rooms 1A and ..... tssss, err... in....psssssss *voice shut down*" And then when you enter one of the control rooms, you'll feel the mighty power of a tie fighter :)


Another really great idea, i'll seriously consider doing that:D


Overall thankyou very much for your comments drakewl, they will without doubt help me to improve the level:D

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Next idontlikegeorge:D



Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

yeah very enjoyable, but way too short (im assuming it ends at the bottom of the elevator)


Nope:) thats actually only about 30-40% of the finished level.



Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

-i had trouble figuring who was saying what; the voices are well done, but they sounded too similar IMO


Thats because they're both done by me. the reborn is only done temporarily by me, he only has one line so if anyone would like to volunteer to do that voiceacting that would be great:D


Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

-on a catwalk in the hangar, you can walk thru a crate! need a clip brush!


You can walk through all the chairs in the control room aswell:)

Something else i havent done yet:D


Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

-something has to be done about the control towers; they look like they just float out there; put in big support beams, or a cliff for them to stand on





Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

-the time slowdown when the reborn gets thrown off, it "hangs" to long, makes it look kinda choppy


The scene where the reborn goes off the bridge needs some work, so it should look allot beeter when finished:)


Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

-the cutscene in the tower is sweet, but again i think it "hangs" too much in the time slowdown


I'll try tweaking it, the general idea with the slowmo lasting so long there, was that the player is intended to be shocked by the explosion, so it hangs for a while while the player sits there thinking "what the..." :D


Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

take out lightning 1, its not needed; raise pull to lv2 - tragin can throw a reborn off a bridge, but cant pull a weapon from a stormie?


I havent even begun customising powers yet:)


Thanks for the comments idontlikegeorge:D very very helpful:)

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yeah very enjoyable, but way too short (im assuming it ends at the bottom of the elevator)


the opening cutscene:


awesome music and tension buildup; cool all-around scene; main qualms i have with it are:

-clangclangclang of reborn's saber hehehe

-i had trouble figuring who was saying what; the voices are well done, but they sounded too similar IMO


"zero visibility":


cool opening cutscene; besides few "sparklies" the cliff face and hanger outside looks very sweet; nice detail in the hangar; main qualms:

-on a catwalk in the hangar, you can walk thru a crate! need a clip brush!

-something has to be done about the control towers; they look like they just float out there; put in big support beams, or a cliff for them to stand on


artistic nitpicks:


-the texturing/brushwork should be changed to better fit the skybox in the first cutscene.... or make a new skybox to better fit the map! (cuz the steep crags look cool)

-the time slowdown when the reborn gets thrown off, it "hangs" to long, makes it look kinda choppy

-the cutscene in the tower is sweet, but again i think it "hangs" too much in the time slowdown


gameplay suggestions:


take out lightning 1, its not needed; raise pull to lv2 - tragin can throw a reborn off a bridge, but cant pull a weapon from a stormie?



like i said, all around its a great SP map (best ive played), and my suggestions are just that, mine


cant wait to see continuation of the storyline

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I've begun work on section2:D


First screen:







Also could i get your opinion on something?


Heres a picture of the elevator shaft that takes you into the main facility.


Basically my question is, does it look ok or is it too much?



Also how to you guys like the idea of an outside area in the base?



And lastly, Volrath could i run the full story by you, The storys pretty top secret so i only wanna run it by one person, just to get some feedback on wether or not you like the way its going :)

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I'll send out that e-mail in a sec:D


Section 2 starts out with the elevator travelling down slanted and then getting to that part you see in the first screen, then the door underneath it opens up and the elevator travels down vertically on what you see in the second screen. What your seeing in the second screen is what thos poles on the side of the elevator travel down :)

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oh yeah hey i just got bryce and was messing with it if youd like i could try to make a skybox for the opening scene


oh yeah: you should change earth being "zero visibility" - if ya need a planet image, id try venus, since being perpetual fog, "zero visibility" would have a thick cloud layer ya know?; and earth, besides being earth, doesnt have that thick cloud layer

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