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Replacing Weapon Sounds -> Problem


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i replaced the sounds in sound/weapons/blaster/ with my own mp3 sounds, i made them the same format as the jk2 mp3 files wich is 44100khz, 16bit, mono. Then i named them fire.mp3, alt_fire.mp and hit_wall.mp3, zipped the sound/weapons/blaster/*.* into sounds.pk3 and placed it in the base of jk2, but when i now shoot with the blaster i hear no sound at all. Am i doing something wrong here, any have any experience with this?


PS: i also tried looking the pk3 from a mod dir, but got the same result.

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Two things:


First, are you sure those are the right settings for the MP3 (the 44100khz, 16bit, mono sound)?


Second, where exactly did you place sounds.pk3? Because "base of jk2" can be a bit misleading.


You're not the only one who's been getting problems with sounds - I'm having trouble getting a select sound for the blaster to play ingame....

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