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Copyright issues


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I'm developing a mod for Jedi Outcast and although I'm not going to make it public just yet I'd like to know how LucasArts, Raven and companies in general feel about copyright and trademark issues.


If I have the "Star Wars" text written on as part of the masthead on the site, will that violate any laws? I.e. should I expected to be contacted by them later on and asked to remove it etc. ?


Also does using "Jedi Outcast" bring similar problems? My mods name is Jedi Outcast Reborn, do you think I should strip the JO part and just leave Reborn on by itself?


As this mod is still on the planning stage, changes are easily made so I'd rather do them now than when the site is buzzing with activity.


Also is there way to go around these, by remarking on the site that this and this is copyrighted / trademarked to that and that?


Thanks for your time!


Small plug about the mod:

JO Reborn will be fast paced but realistic action game, just like JO itself. How ever the gameplay will be rebuild from ground up to make sure everything works and it will be fun to play. No sillines here.

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You do just anything with the game you want, change it make new models, maps, skins etc.


Raven even released those tools so why would they sue you for using theyre tools, thats sick !!


you can do anything with it as long you make no money with it


and even if you do sometyhing what isnt allowed they warn you and you change whatever they dont like about it


there is a guy at http://www.planetunreal.com/utbuilder who made some starwars maps and not just 1 or 2 but some like 10 or 20, he got warned a couple of times by George Lucas, and also sued 3 or 4 times.

I dont know if the last thing I typed can help you with your frustration, I just wanna say do whatever you want as long you dont make money with it

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Thanks for replying Dark Reaper.

Generally speaking companies have been rather touchy when it comes to their property. One good example is the Aliens mod for the original Quake which Fox (the movie company) unplugged, thus the term "foxed".


Jedi Outcast is different beast. Of course LucasArts isn't going to sue or even warn me about doing mod that's based on Star Wars (that would be absurd). But if I use Star Wars text they might feel I'm going off limits. So I'm not worried about the mod itself, I'm simply wondering if I have to change that part of it later. If someone knows the laws well enough to tell me that, I can just as well change them now before I'll go public with it. Less hassle that way. :)

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Thanks Emon, I hope that's true. For now I'm not going to change anything. Even in the worst case scenario they will contact me before doing anything else so that will always leave me the option of simply fixing what needs to be fixed if it comes to that.



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