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Problem with Light compile


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Your lighting is too complex, plain and simple... you can alter the lighting gridsize in worldspawn, but it's much more efficient in the long run to simply figure out what's causing the problem.


There is really no reason you should have that many lightmaps unless you have a lighted evil brush, or if your map is just way too big. :)


Try compiling with both FastVis and FullVis and see if that first number (the 4871061) changes.

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Rikku said she only had like 30 lights. Even after the gridsize thing, still won't work apparently. She also said she reduced it to one light and still got the error. :eek:


From QERadiant.com:




You have too many lights in your map. In the worldspawn enter key lightgrid and for the value, 64 64 64. Infinite brushes can also cause this error.


It doesn't seem to be the lights, so it's probably the brush thing.

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