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Problem with connecting to certain servers....


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Ok, I have the 1.04 patch. As you may of heard you can remove the assets5.pk3 file from the base folder of your 1.04 patch directory to make it play like 1.03,if your running a server. I am trying to connect to servers like that. Everytime I try to connect to a serving like that it says, "Used Interface 6,expected 7." Does anybody know what I can do to connect to server like that with the assest5.pk3 file removed? Any help is much appreciated.

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*sratches his head* That sounds familiar...uhh I think there's something about it on the LucasArts support page...


But if you want to play like 1.03...why install 1.04?


But you're sure you're connected to..uh..1.04 servers?

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