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How do I play Single player maps in multiplayer?


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Originally posted by Wheezle

u can, I asked thesnerd from wired lamp studios but he was too busy to tell me.

I also saw someone post here that they liked to role play or something in the jedi academy map with a friend/.


Sameway as you can play MP maps in SP i quess ...


Open console and type: map map_name

(example: map kejim_post)

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actually you cant, i have tried

what happens is, is that every one spawns in the same spot, so u get "pushed into oblivion" or so the message i got says, i'd post a pic but...i have boomspeed and it sux, if you truly want proof ill get it to you some how...but if it was a fluke it didnt work tell me..cuz i wanna see some evil thingsto happen...heheh...

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