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Which patch was/is the best?


Which is best?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is best?

    • 1.02 (out of the box)
    • 1.03 (1st official patch)
    • 1.04 (2nd official patch)
    • Other/Not Listed

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Lets keep this baby runnin....


~50 votes is a start but we need more votes to get an accurate view of what people really want


I just personally hope that the largest percentage of 1.02 players haven't left yet, we need you guys in these dark times....



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1.02 = sucked because of DFA and the saber stances were not even close to even.


1.03 = sucked because all the former DFAers moved to ass fighting.


1.04 = great. DFA can still dominate in FFA but all the stances are even. NF duels are great.


good luck bringing back 1.02.


it would just be a bunch of Heavy stance/DFAers.


Im must say that I only play NF duels. Occasionaly NF FFA.


So it colors my vote.

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To all the ppl who like 1.02... u can still go back to it!!? Having 1.04 doesnt stop u from playing in 1.02 servers.. in fact! reinstall the game, or unistall the patch or wutever and play 1.02! stop playing 1.04 cuz ur complaining that ur fav move is gone (bs).. and if you like 1.03! guess wut!? install 1.03 and play in 1.03 servers

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To me, 1.02 and 1.04 require different skills. 1.02 had that adredaline feeling. It took careful thinking, because one damn false move and you may have just lost the match there. It kept me on my toes and keeping the eye on my opponent. That's 1.02 skill.


On the matter of 1.04, you don't have quick killing that fast, but you can still reach it in a acceptable time. It's about catching your opponent off-guard, and when he is, often heavy stance is the best way. You still need a degree of reflexes and keeping your eye on the opponent to be good, but not as great as 1.02.


However, 1.02 has my vote.


That's my 2 cents here.


PS: I played one server with upped dm scale once, sabertrace off, but with ghoul 2. Let's say you actually need to parry those swings now and matches ended fairly quickly too.:p

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~Hey nice question! Hummmm.....I voted for 1.04, but I still think that each version has something the others lack, and vice-versa. I think 1.04 is really solid, and the kicking manuever introduces a new form of fighting into the game. Some people don't like the lightning, but hay, isn't lightning supposed to do alot of damage to someone. It truly makes you afraid of the powers of the dark side!:lightning

I think that that the decision to make the backstab and slash, do less damage was a good move, but i think it does to little damage now, (only 1/6 or somethin') Version 1.3 made for some crazy FFA games with all the backslashing, and that made for some truly frantic battles. :lsduel:

As for 1.2, it had a lot of great qualities, they should have kept the damage system from 1.2 because it made the lightsaber, the lethal, yet beautiful weapon it really is. I can't reeally pick a best one though! The bottom line is this game rocks! That's all there is too it.


Nice Posting, C ya, the:speeder:

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1.02 was my first and most favorite JO version. The saber was lethal and could scare away a gun user, suppose if the two were one on one.


DFA was the LEAST problematic of all spam moves. Why? Because while it was a one hit kill if it hit... the IF was still big enough to allow for survival. If you were dealing with a DFAer, you could:


1) flank him with a red swing. I learned to do this before I even got the DFA timing down pat..

2) move to the side and do a heavy side swing.

3) if you were close enough and running towards him, you could undercut him with an overhead heavy swing.

4) push.

5) grip.

6) back away and saber throw.

7) shoot him.

8) kick him as he's finishing the animation.


If you were getting hit by DFA, you could simply run away. Of course you should've been moving around in the first place. The first way to guarantee not getting killed by DFA is staying away. Sooner or later you'd have to learn one of the above if you wanted to be really effective.


But what really irked me about pull/backsweep is that its counters were utterly weak. If you used absorb, someone could wait your force meter down, and then attack. If you used protection, it couldn't guarantee you not dying (Not even in 1.02, so hardly for 1.03). If you used Dark Rage, you'd have health and force penalties, plus recovery time. You couldn't attack your opponent while you were down and if you got back up to chase after him, chances are you'd get pulled again. The biggest overpowerment of the pull/backstab was the fact that it had NO penalty. No recovery time, 100 percent hit rate if done right, and almost indefensible. In short, nothing really countered pull/backsweep. Some tactics merely prolonged what would be an inevitable "death by backsweep".


The only real counter against pull/backsweep was a pre-emptive pull/backsweep. Applied to FFA games, that doesn't sound very exciting, does it?


In short, while every DFA left the DFA'ers defenses open (as all one hit kill moves should), pull/backsweep did not. DFA was practically suicide if you happened to do it to a player who'd been playing for more than few weeks. Pull/backsweep was not.


I have admittedly been whores of both, but while I felt guilty and repetitive doing pull/backsweep to everyone, I was frustrated that people refused to adapt to DFA. I even told people the secret(s) to counterattacking one. All the things I listed above would protect you from damage as it would do damage to your opponent. Course I'd usually stop if someone complained, just to show I'd honed my skills in other areas before mastering DFA.


BTW, I've seen a medium user own a game of red stylists. In fact I've done it. You might not necessarily make the top in EVERY game, but then again, you can't expect to.


My vote is 1.02. Not flawless, but still the best.

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