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Anavel Gato

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Well anavel i think there are 1 or 2 ways to get this working


the usual /bind "n" "+taunt"


works for the normal taunt right


well if were talking about the adme taunts i think you can do this


/bind "m" "+taunt2"




/bind "m" "tauntgaunlet" maybe those may work


have a go i had this prob a while ago...

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Ah bollocks lol :D


Um.....i think ya gotta ask some people over at editing.....they may have an idea as they made vader say all that stuff for me in SP...


P.S:- check what ya put for the name of the taunt sounds for padme....maybe thatll work then...and while am at it have to say ya did a damn fine job with that padme model.....


---when i typed in taunt straight off withought binding....i found it gave me options like






and stuff like that......maybe they can help

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Originally posted by James Brophy

simple: how do you twirl the saber????????;)


EHHH?????? What are you talking abt?



I'd like to know about more taints...never tried....how do they work in both single- and multiplayer??


Anyone have the answer??

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all u do is type in the command /taunt


i don't know if it works in the normal game but i found it out while i was playing Dest's new mod. so if it does not work in normal multiplayer try it with Dest's jedimod, which by the way is incredible so if you don't have it



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Im also using the new padme model from Gato (its the best man, i love it :D ). I saw there were more then 1 taunt so i did /bind k taunt, /bind o taunt1,... When i press those keys, the only thing i hear is taunt.mp3. So i thougt maybe i can change that taunt. I opened padme.zip (padme.pk3 -> padme.zip) and extracted taunt.mp3 and victory1.mp3 and i switched them. I placed the files back in the model and converted it back to pk3. During the game i pressed taunt and i heard ...... nothing. I see her taunting, but i dont hear anything.


Does any1 know what to do?

And does any1 know how to make all the taunt work? Please, i want to hear all the things she says.

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This thread falls a little off topic for this forum. Though -let's face it- Model Makers want to create the best all around product and part of that is creating the essence of the character, which of course is greatly achieved with sound... and after that disclaimer I feel comfortable adding my post :nut:


I believe that the extra taunts are for SP, and I know only taunt.mp3 currently works in MP.


However, I believe Garik Loran (spelling?) had started work on a mod that allowed for three taunts, all bound to one key, that would just rotate in sequence each time you pressed the "taunt key".


I'm surprised this has not been worked on further and/or become a commonly accepted modification.

I would certainly love to see extra taunts added, and I'm glad to see others feel the same way.

Time to contact some regulars at the editing forums, me thinks.

Perhaps Garik Loran is still interested in accomplishing the extra taunts as well.





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