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Patch comments


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Let's face it, part of a patch are the complaints ;) Here are some I have.


-Republic upgrade Kaminoan Cloners costs less What happens? This is giving the Republic an even greater advantage. Fergie and I talked a while ago and we both agree The Republic need to be downgraded. Best way to do this: TAKE THE REPEATER UPGRADE AWAY. It shouldn't give them problems, cause they'd still have a bunch of super-fast produced Heavy Troopers.


-Heavy Troopers have 1 less attack. What will happen to the Naboo? Even worse troopers.


-Strike Mechs do less damage to Troop units. Another pro-Republic change, how are we supposed to kill a zillion Clone Troopers with less damage?


Anyway, I think this should be done:


- Restore Heavy Troopers' attack

- Restore Strike Mechs' bonus vs troopers

- Take Repeaters away from the Republic

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"Take Repeaters away from the Republic"


This is absolutely rediculous. Creation speed is not everything, and repeaters toast heavies easily. Anyone can get some of the effect as Kaminoan cloners by building a few more troop centers. The republic's area of specialty is troopers, for them not to have an important trooper upgrade would completely ruin them. Also, Republic troopers still cost the same as everyone else, they just get made faster. I had a Republic ally once who tried that tactic of pumping out a stream of troopers. By the time my troops, jedi, air (I was Republic too), cannons, etc had leveled the Empire opponent's base, my not-so-bright ally had gotten well over 300 clone repeaters slaughtered. Heavy strikes, dark troopers, etc all cut them down as fast as they came. 5 of my masters fared better against the army than 300 of my ally's troopers. I doubt Republic troopers are too powerful, other than creation speed they are standard troopers.



"Restore Heavy Troopers' attack"


Not sure but I think they changed it to prevent the first person to T3 from pumping out heavies and swamping their opponents. Someone in T3 fighting someone still getting to T3 will have 3 more range, more attack and more hitpoints. I believe this change was made to reduce the huge advantage of being a few minutes ahead of someone else. And naboo got other upgrades to make up for the heavy trooper's loss.


"Restore Strike Mechs' bonus vs troopers"


Agreed, I thought they were trying to make the game LESS of a trooper battle, but here they did just the opposite.


How about this: play the patched game for a week or so and see if any of these balance issues actually surface. LA seems to have done well balancing this game so far, perhaps they know something we don't and are fixing it.

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well why makin heavy troops better?? thy are much too good already, good that the loose 1 attack....to make the caminion cloners cheaper aint that important, it wont make the repeaters makin even faster

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