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Volumetric Shadow Question


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Hello, everyone. I may be asking a question which has been beaten to death or answered many times already, but I've looked everywhere as far as Lucasarts Tech Support goes...maybe not far enough, but I'm lazy...what can you do, right?


I seem to be having problems with the volumetric shadows in JK2; the shadows appear upon the walls and floors without any problems, but the way the light plays upon the characters makes things seem jagged and blocky; for example, with the shadows set to Volumetric, I'll view Kyle from 3rd-person perspective. As I turn around, the shadows upon the character models are very jagged and blocky and I was wondering if increasing the antialiasing or anisotropic filtering on my video card would do the trick.



Intel 800MHz P3EB processor

128 MB DDR GeForce 4 Ti 4400

256 MB 133MHz SDRAM

And all the other usual junk...

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I think I have the only known cure: switch shadows to simple or none. Honestly, when JK2 first came out there were alot of posts about this. Vol. shadows seem to suck for alot of people regardless of video card used - buggy shadows and a performance hit as well. I did some reading up on them and it seems that they may not be quite ready for prime time.

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