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Help on speeding up JK2


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As the title suggests, I often get really crappy fps whilst playing Jedi Outcast.


Here's my system specs (it's a Cicero):


Intel Pentium 3

GeForce 3 Ti 500 graphics card (64 mb)

800 something ghz

320 mb RAM

1024 x 768 screen Resolution (I set it higher in-game, and I find that it speeds it up a little)

24x10x40 cd-rom/burner (Yamaha)

Windows ME

A REALLY crappy sound-card (which is why the sound sucks)


if you see anything that could be messing up the performance, let me know.

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Check the stickys and the LucasArts support page... either you should defrag (which I doubt would make any difference) or you don't have the best drivers you could have for your card... it's odd that your FPS increases as you increase your resolution though...

Uh, also, don't set it on the highest settings... but I'd imagine you don't... and *squints* I'm not too swift with computers...so because you have an actual card...I don't think your proccessor can bog it down, I think that's only with onboard chipsets..but I'm not positive

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