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Question.. Yeah, i know. Im a complete Newbie at map making.

The oUt/<ast

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This should answer almost all your possible basic maping questions. Down to instalation of the editor.


How to spawn npcs in game: open the console (Shift and Tilde (~))

enable cheats (type devmap or helpusobi 1). Then type in "npc spawn ______"

with the blank being the name of the npc you want.

(for example: Reborn, RebornFencer, Trandoshan, Jan, ImpOfficer)

You can get the names of all the npcs here . Its a tread that is basicaly a long list of console commands and such.




[edit] Haha Manquesa and I had the same thought, my link goes to Rich's tutorial page too :) [/edit]

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